Last Night, I Dreamed About My Mother’s New Memories

Kerry and Susan Pryor circa 1945 in Munhall, Pennsylvania

Last night, I met my mother in my dreams. She was living in a shabby chic bungalow with bright decorations and her beloved drapes gracing every window. Just as I arrived I saw her mother – my grandmother – pull out of the driveway in a practical blue sedan. I waved, but unsure if she […]

8 Themes Of My Dreams

Ultraman Was Scary

I can’t recall specific great dreams or even my worst nightmare (who would want to?) so I thought of some recurring themes. 1. Banshee.  My father told me about the banshee when I was a kid. So wailing winds combined with the tree branches scratching my window and an overactive imagination led to some terrible […]

NaBloPoMo: No More Sleep? No Way!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013 If you could be given the option to never sleep and also never be tired, would you take it if it meant you’d also never dream again? Well, no I would not. First, I believe sleep is about far more than simply not being tired – it is when my body […]