How to celebrate 54 lesbian birthdays

My big day is here – birthday 54. I am firmly in my mid-fifties. And I’m good. No big plans. Having lunch with a friend. Then I’m going to enjoy some birthday cake from Prantels while watching ‘When Harry Met Sally.’  On a DVD, no less. By myself or rather with the cats. My birthday […]

The Lingering Impact of Slouchy Boots Trends of the 80’s

 A little bit of swashbuckling bravado boots might be just what we need to keep up the fight Laird Borelli, Vogue In my middle school days, fashion trends were aplenty. Most of us kids of steelworkers did not have plenty to spend on them. We settled for knockoffs in a time long before TJ Marshalls and […]

I Love Big Birthdays and I Will Not Lie

Happy Birthday cards

October is my birthday month -Yay! Last year, my birthday  (53) was the first ‘occasion’ while I was homeless and couch surfing with friends. They were lovely. Cooked me a meal I chose, made me a cake from scratch. But I fled the table, overwhelmed by sadness and a tidal wave of all that I […]

The Year Without a Birthday Card

Tomorrow, I’ll celebrate my birthday – I’m turning 53. No Birthday Cards This Year It dawned on me yesterday that I had not received a birthday card. Then it sunk in that the people who sent me cards each year have opted out of my life this year – my wife, her mother, and a […]

Sue’s Birthday Fundraiser for Pittsburgh LGBTQ Charities and #ProtectTransKids

October 22, 2022 will be my 52nd birthday. It is also the 1st ‘birthday’ of Pittsburgh LGBTQ Charities, a 501c3 I founded to serve the community. It was pretty cool that the Department of State recognized us on that date. For my birthday this year, I’m asking for donations to Pittsburgh LGBTQ Charities. PLC is […]

Living With Birthday Anxiety

My birthday is October 22. This year, I turn 52. I’m not at all worried about aging because I was brought up to believe that our 50’s are a great time period. Not THE 50’s but our decade of being 50. To be clear. And that’s proving to be the case. I’m a better version […]

On Day 592 of the Pandemic, I Turn 51 Years Old

First, let me thank the lovely people who have sent good wishes and gifts for the cats. It makes my heart swell. I have two winter cat shelters to be assembled and some funds chipping in to buy a sturdy feeding station for the colony. Another friend sent batteries that are literally keeping the lights […]

50 Plus 1 To Grow On: Pandemic Birthdays, Milestones, and Community Cats

I turned 50 years old on October 22, 2020. Our big plan to celebrate with a weekend spa trip – something I would ordinarily never do – were postponed. And I was bummed, but resigned. I had hoped to ‘make it up’ this year before 50 slipped further away from me, but that’s not going […]


I just read a line in a crime novel on my Kindle app. In just three years, he’d turn fifty, one of life’s greatest milestones. The protagonist is a woman, making a note about her husband. It isn’t really relevant to the plot, except to give context to their good relationship. I’m turning 50 on […]

My Birthday Wish (Almost) Came True

Pittsburgh Feral Cats

Sunday was a good day. Our friend Don helped to assemble our new feeding station for our feral cats. I was so excited – watching cats eat in the rain has been sad and we had no solid shelter as an alternative. So I asked for a shelter as my birthday gift – I turn […]