Watch The Video Interview Where Burgh Vivant Magazine Asked Me if I Was a Lady or a Dame

The lovely folx at Autostraddle dug up archival footage I had almost forgotten. This is the semi-regular post where I ask you for money to support this work. But it’s more palatable with fun historical content especially a video where I describe myself as a dame of blogging. Blogs cost money. I don’t have a […]

This Is How I’m Keeping Lesbian Blogging Alive According to Autostraddle

Autostraddle profile Sue Kerr

I am so thrilled to have been profiled by the lesbian media site Autostraddle, especially by a Pittsburgh based journalist. Her blog is a living archive of nearly 20 years of LGBTQ history and struggle and culture and joy. It’s a place where the memories of the people who’ve had their lives cut short by […]

The Favourite is an Obscenely Queer Women’s Historical Film. Go See It Right Away.

This post contains spoilers about the movie The Favourite I was uneasy about this film because I had heard through the grapevine that there might be a scene where Emma Stone was hurting a rabbit. I cannot tolerate watching such a scene even if it’s faked so I was nervous.  Heather Hogan at Autostraddle gave […]

A blog as a shared space of issues. The Post-Gazette explores this blog.

A few weeks ago, I had coffee with Diana Nelson Jones for what I thought would be a brief mention in the Post-Gazette about the blog’s nomination for a GLAAD Media Award. The award will be presented this Thursday. Turns out that article was more extensive and expansive than I thought. She called people and […]

Outstanding Blog Category Tribute Video

My friend and co-nominee Mark S. King made a lovely tribute video announcing the nominees in the 29th Annual GLAAD Media Awards  

JoJo Striker is Third Trans Woman of Color Murdered in 2017

JoJo Striker

She was 23 years old, a black trans woman and her body was discovered in an abandoned garage on February 8 in her hometown of Toledo. It took over a week for her death and true identity to be brough to light because of the trifecta of reporting on this epidemic – misgendering, dead naming […]

Ashe Believes To Be Queer Is To Be Yourself #AMPLIFY

Amplify LGBTQ Allegheny County

Name: Ashe Age:  29 County of Residence: Allegheny Preferred Pronouns: She/her/hers How do you describe your identity? I usually identify as bisexual, but I’ll go with queer from time to time. Please describe your coming out experience. Where did you find support? What challenges did you face? It was honestly surprising. I came out at the beginning of my senior […]

Bisexuality In The News, New Group Forms in Pittsburgh

Bisexual Umbrella

  March is Bisexual Health Awareness Month. There have been several important media pieces lately that might interest you. Chronologically: New York Times piece “The Scientific Quest to Prove Bisexuality Exists” which has some troubling elements A response piece on Autostraddle which delves into those elements “The Journalistic Quest to Write an Accurate Story About […]

LGBTQ&A: Ashe Birt Blogs Pink, Purple and Blue

An occasional series where we pose some questions to local LGBTQ folks (and Allies) to learn more about their personal experiences with LGBTQ culture. Click here for a complete list of all LGBTQ&A profiles.   I met Ashe through Facebook – I follow her posts because she shares good information about bisexuality, among other topics and she has […]