All in My Queer Family: Discovering DNA Ties to My LGBTQ Friends in Pittsburgh

queer family of choice

One unexpected benefit of chronicling my family history has been discovering that people I already know are part of my extended family.  First there was my friend Dave Ninehouser (6th cousin) and then a neighbor, John Graf (4th cousin 1x removed), followed by finding new-to-me local folks who are also in my tree. Our pet […]

The Aunt Booklet or How Our Niblings Gave Us the Best Gift Ever

Aunt Pittsburgh niblings

On Christmas Day, the Dunhoff niblings gave us a pretty cool gift – a coupon book for monthly get-togethers conceived out of their ideas of things to do with us. Ava is 13 and Jack is 10. We enjoy spending time with them quite a bit so it was a lovely gift. They handmade the […]

Sometimes I still miss the family I wish I had

Sometimes I still miss the family I wish I had

I had a sort of NPR ‘driveway moment’ this weekend. Mine was in the parking lot of Walgreens where I was heading to pick up a medication for the dog. I flipped on WESA because I was a little weary of Christmas music. Listening to Lee Smith on The Moth Radio Hour reminisce about his […]

A Green Christmas (Inflatable) Tree for Ledcat

Neon Christmas Tree Pittsburgh

So up high on the hill in Elliott is a 22 foot high neon green Christmas tree. It goes up on Light Up Night and down after New Years. Best view is from the West End Bridge, but we can see it from our house, too. Read a blurb about it from 1999 and another from 2002. 

It was originally owned by Fred Niepp, a second generation neon maker. When he closed his Downtown shop and bought the house in Elliot, he took it up with him. He sold the house  and the new occupants continues the tradition of erecting the tree each year.

Ledcat looks forward to this each year – on Light Up Night, she peeks out the second floor window as soon as it is dark and says “There’s my tree!” She looks every night and is genuinely sad when the tree goes dark for the year – that the end of Christmastime for her.

Happy Holiday Eve! Bring on the Sushi …

Holiday Sushi

Anticipation can be a lovely thrill. Nothing thrills so much as being smack up against a beloved holiday with only ‘one sleep’ between you and satisfaction. Something I learned early in adult life is that the people without children are very far down the list in terms of whose needs are taken into consideration. We […]

That Time NPR Tweeted About the Dunhoff-Kerr Family Thanksgiving Politics

NPR Sue Kerr Twitter

Our usual gang of relatives are all like-minded albeit ranging from moderate Democrats to very liberal. Talking politics at the holidays is a way to bond, to feel the comfort of like-minds, to acknowledge the big bad world while appreciating our companionship. — Sue Kerr (@PghLesbian24) November 19, 2018   (Be sure to read all […]

That Time We Merged Our Separate Giant Eagle Advantage Cards

Giant Eagle Advantage Card Shared Account

I remember early in our relationship days, Ledcat and I went grocery shopping together at the Waterfront Giant Eagle near my home. This was probably 8-10 months in to our relationship (now going on 162 months, thank you.) It wasn’t a joint shop for a shared event, it was two independent shops using one cart. […]

My (Most Recent) Trauma Timeline and Losing My Voice

My (Most Recent) Trauma Timeline and Losing My Voice

In the spring, I was assigned to a new therapist who practices “trauma informed” therapy. It was time to work on some of the deep, dark stuff that I had been dancing around for years and began to really acknowledge just in the six months prior. I was still recovering from the hysterectomy and hadn’t […]

How to Request Toys for Tots in Western Pennsylvania in 2018

Toys for Tots Pennsylvania

This is our annual (6 years+) round-up of Toys for Tots programs in Western Pennsylvania for 2018. I’ve done my best to sort through the available information and provide you what you may need to know. PLEASE click through to the applicable link to doublecheck the details. Some of the Toys for Tots pages are […]

Today I Learned My Then-80-Year-Old 5th Great-Grandfather was Recruiting Newspaper Subscribers in 1858 for the Pittsburgh Gazette

My whole life long, I’ve had a connection to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette through my great-grandfather, Gilbert Remley. Gil had a long history as a newspaperman, starting as a copy boy for the Pittsburgh Sun in 1906 and retiring in August 1958 as the Executive Sports Editor for the Post-Gazette. Today, I learned something astonishing about […]