UPDATE: Big Queer Rally

UPDATE:  Big Queer Rally

Reverend Janet Edwards has just confirmed that she will be speaking at the upcoming rally on January 10, 2009.  As you may recall, Janet was the target of a church trial because of her decision to preside at the wedding of two local lesbians.  She was cleared of those charges.  I believe she will prove to be […]

Power and ‘Piscopals

Power and ‘Piscopals

Today's Post-Gazette includes a reflection from a member of Calvary Episcopal Church on the impending vote of the local diocese to leave the US branch and join a more conservative branch.  It is very flourishy, too much so for a beautiful late summer Sunday in the sense that I prefer to go for a drive […]

An Open Invitation from the Reverend Janet Edwards

An Open Invitation from the Reverend Janet Edwards

August 20, 2008 Dear Friends and Friends of Friends, I am Janet Edwards, a Presbyterian minister in Pittsburgh, PA. I greet you withthe joy that springs from Jesus' gospel of love! On June 25, 2005, I was blessed beyond measure to preside at theSpirit-filled wedding of Nancy McConn and Brenda Cole. Following the usualpractice, Brenda and […]

Faith in Faith

Faith in Faith

This comes from 365gay.com (New York City) A priest who attempted to protect a 21 year old transwoman from four teens who were hitting and verbally harassing her was beaten in front of a shelter for gay and trans young people. The teens were pelting Alessandra-Michelle Carver with garbage and yelling transphobic insults outside the […]

Obama and Faith Based Anything: I Knew It!

Obama and Faith Based Anything:  I Knew It!

Color me not surprised by this little pronouncement from Mr. Theocracy. Reaching out to evangelical voters, Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama is announcing plans that would expand President Bush's program steering federal social service dollars to religious groups and – in a move sure to cause controversy – support their ability to hire and fire […]

Ellen DeGeneres and the Founding Fathers

Ellen DeGeneres and the Founding Fathers

Craig Galik of Duquesne is not pleased.  Apparently, when he tunes in to the Ellen DeGeneres show, he doesn't expect to see any lesbian claptrap. Imagine his horror when Ellen spoke about her plans to marry partner, Portia De Rossi.  On television.  In front of viewers.  Gay stuff.  Either Craig is the only person on […]

Another Pro Homo Letter to the Editor

Another Pro Homo Letter to the Editor

From Tuesday's Post-Gazette.  Always good to read a hit-the-nail-on-the-head letter. Like letter writer Kim Winbush (“Let's Keep Discrimination Out of the Pa. Constitution,” May 16), I too was happy to see the Pennsylvania Senate table the Marriage Protection Amendment. This brazen attempt to pander to the theocratic aims of the religious right must be opposed […]

Gay Marriage Round Up

Gay Marriage Round Up

Wow, lots to catch up on … Monday, May 5, 2008 is the Rally in Harrisburg.  Rally?  The Rally Against the “Protection of Marriage” Amendment.  Ledcat and I had hoped to attend, but fate (and work) conspired against us. Are you planning to attend?  I'm hoping for an eyewitness account. Last week, there was a “highly […]

Open Letter to Barack Obama on gay issues

Open Letter to Barack Obama on gay issues

This is a good letter. When Obama starts his explanation on opposing gay marriage, he uses the phrase “I”m a Christian.”  Is he fueling the myth that being gay and being Christian are mutually exclusive?  This taps into my deep concern that the modern politician is forced into Christians versus LGBTQ community position.  Guess who loses?  […]

I was blacklisted by the City Paper

I was blacklisted by the City Paper

It is completely true.  My innocent little email was rejected by the Steel City Media cyber guardians.  I just wanted to ask Chris Potter a question.  Rest assured, Potter was on it once I made the call.  And once it became apparent that someone in marketing couldn't email her boyfriend … well, he was on […]