No longer a Vagina Monologues virgin

No longer a Vagina Monologues virgin

Saturday night, Ledcat and I caught a local performance of The Vagina Monologues at the City Theater. It was bloggers night. I snatched two tickets as soon as word hit the Internet.  Clearly, this was the perfect occasion for Ledcat and I to see the show that pretty much defines your feminist street cred.  Overall, […]

I love The Big Bang Theory

I love The Big Bang Theory

I love the weirdest shows.  My newest fav is CBS's “The Big Bang Theory” starring that cute little dude from Roseanne (another fabu show).  It is a classic setup — two nerdy guys and the hottie definitely unnerdy chic living next door.  I expected little, but was mightily surprised at how freakin' awesome is the […]

The Awakening

The Awakening

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Gay Straight Alliances have positive impact on schools; Pittsburgh 92.9 not so much …

Gay Straight Alliances have positive impact on schools; Pittsburgh 92.9 not so much …

A GLSEN study on the impact of student Gay Straight Alliances found that schools are generally less tolerant of homophobia, while LGBTQ students are less likely to hear gay slurs, more likely to perform well academically and feel safer in the classroom.  Wow, a supportive environment makes a difference for the well-being and academic progress […]

“Take your tolerance and shove it.” — wingnuts shower the love on Jerry Lewis

“Take your tolerance and shove it.” — wingnuts shower the love on Jerry Lewis

Good grief!  I've been blogging for about 20 months during which I've tackled everything from Rick Santorum's former spokesfag to annoying Republican ice cream twins.  I've mocked the homophobic Ravenstahl administration.  I've targeted Joey Porter, the Archbishop of Nigeria, the City Paper, Edgar Snyder, a lesbian variety show, Pride in the Streets and most major […]

Breaking News — Jerry Lewis uses “fag” on the air during live telethon …

Breaking News — Jerry Lewis uses “fag” on the air during live telethon …

h/t Ms. Monongahela I did not see this myself, primarily because I would rather gouge my eyes out with a stick than sit through 78 hours of Jerry Lewis.  Instead, I went shopping. It seems I missed quite a moment today.  Jerry Lewis refers to someone in the audience as “Jesse, an illiterate fag” while […]

Pgh Lesbian Variety Show Issues Statement Regarding Trans-Discrimination

Pgh Lesbian Variety Show Issues Statement Regarding Trans-Discrimination

I should preface by saying the CTN has repeatedly ignored my requests for comment.  I received this through a local queer events email list. As we reported two weeks ago, a local woman, Jessi Seams, alleges that Celebrate the Night, a lesbian variety show in honor of National Coming Out Day, discriminated against her by […]

A Lesbian Weekend in Pgh: Edgar Snyder, Yuppies and Decapitated Jesus

UPDATE:  Upon the advice of my counsel, I have deleted references to minors that may or may not be affiliated with Mr. Edgar Snyder as well as comments about the parenting skills of adults that may or may not be the parents of said minors.  My apologies for assuming that the behavior of children (older […]

Me and McIntire talk about the Dyke March this afternoon

Me and McIntire talk about the Dyke March this afternoon

Yo yo yo … maclesbians.  OK, that worked so much better in my head.  🙂 Never one to let Jim and Randy beat him on a salacious topic, John has asked me to do a segment on the upcoming 2nd Annual Dyke March today at 2:25 on 93.7, The Zone.  They may have broken the […]

Riveting Rosies Rock

Riveting Rosies Rock

UPDATE:  See You Tube link at the end … ****************************************************** Here's one suggestion for a perfect summer evening:  spend a few balmy hours out on the patio of a local coffeehouse in the company of friends (and your lover) while you listen to some of Pittsburgh's talented chica singer-songwriters, collectively known as the Riveting Rosies. […]