My Signature Beverage(s)

Captain Picard was into Earl Grey tea; mention the Dude and we think: White Russians. What’s your signature beverage — and how did it achieve that status?

I have two and both are pretty boring.

First, there’s dark roast coffee with cream. This is what I order 90% of the time in a coffeehouse, restaurant or anywhere. I’ll take “normal” coffee and decaf after 6 PM, but I’m really boring when it comes to coffee drinks. I like coffee drinks, but I struggle with the coffee-lingo and freeze at the register. All I can think of is “no whip” which isn’t appropriate to say most of the time.

“Dark roast with extra cream” is easy to remember and doesn’t irritate the barista.

Have you ever noticed that the signage in most coffeehouses – especially independents – are hard to read? Especially those chalk boards with fancy writing and smeared colors. OMG, I have no idea what they say.

Second, there’s water. I drink a lot of water because of the medication I take. I have to stay hydrated in general and keep my kidneys flowing. This is why I always lug around a big bag now – there’s at least one reusable bottle filled with ice water in it. Often, there’s a partially filled plastic water bottle. I sometimes panic that I’ll run out of water and buy bottles whenever I can.

I always order a glass of water at restaurants even if I actually order something “real” to drink. Ledcat will order water for me to have “a spare” if I needed. And, yes, I will use that glass to refill my bottle. Dehydration takes such a toll on me that I take no chances. I once got on a 6 hour direct flight and convinced the attendant to give me 12 cans of water.

When I feel the thirst or dehydration, it is almost too late. I have to find a place to sit and sip water for like an hour. I can’t stand, I feel faint and woozy. It is such a terrible feeling that I overcompensate. I am not only worried about my immediate feeling, but thinking about the potential damage I’m doing to my kidneys.

The thing that drives me absolutely crazy is when an event refuses to let people bring in their own beverage – at least one sealed bottle of water. That should be a minimum for decency and comfort. I know you want to take in the bucks from food and beverage sales, but one bottle is a reasonable thing to permit. I’m happy to refill my bottle and will likely just buy more.

Another reason for the large bag is being able to take the bottles home to make sure the are recycled since most businesses in Pittsburgh do not recycle. Ha.

Runners-up: ginger ale, breathe easy tea and chai latte.

water coffee




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