Would Holden Caufield Blog?

Write a post about any topic you want, but in the style of an author or a blogger you admire.

What the heck is a blogging style? This is all I could come up with

a chalk drawing, but we have no chalk and Ledcat refused to lie down on North Avenue so I could sketch out the scene

– calling out the jagoff who publicly humiliated me about being disabled yesterday, but I feel ranty enough for one weekend

thoughtful analysis and critique of a right-wing crazy like Jack Kelly, but really I’m not a political junkie and probably don’t understand most of what he has to say well enough to refute it

Just pondering this question is exhausting. Do blogs have a style? I like to think I’m drawn to strong writing as a style. Half of the blogs I read are quasi-journalism. Some are personal essays, others serve as baby books. It is all good, but I simply can’t find a style to inspire me. 

I was never one for literary criticism. I couldn’t name a great modern writer if my life depended upon it. I sort writing into a few simple categories rather than styles:

Accessible good writing
Modern day pulp
Everything else

Blogs? Eh. I just can’t think about this too much because I simply want to read.



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