Every Day Heroes

This segment on 60 Minutes really took my breath away. A “Schindler’s List” story out of Saigon involving a Citibank Executive.


He was no CIA operative with “extrication” experience. He wasn’t a native resident with a rich wife. This is pretty amazing – not that his risk was any less or greater than in Iran or Germany. It is a testament to the grand things people can accomplish when motivated by a genuine love for other people.

Is there something in your life that you will look back upon and realize where you made a difference?  The closest experience I have now is remaining in touch with many of the families I recruited & trained as foster parents – following the joys, triumphs and challenges of their children. Sometimes, I’m still able to be a support. Sometimes, I’m simply a cheerleader. But I have to admit that when I see some of their kids smiling – genuine smiles – it makes me feel like I did something good in this world.

And I must admit – I was pleased toward the end of the story to learn that Citibank paid to relocate and resettle all of the families, plus gave them jobs and helped them become self-reliant here in the US. That’s a corporate investment we don’t hear of too much these days.


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