DADT Repeal Vote Looms

The PG has it here.

The Senate on Thursday approved a multibillion-dollar package of tax breaks and government-backed loans for small businesses, as Democrats sought to use the muscle of their majorities to pursue a congressional agenda that would make their case for retaining House and Senate control this fall.

After surmounting months of Republican opposition to approve the small-business measure and send it to the House, Democrats — over sharp GOP objections — set up a floor showdown for next week over a Pentagon policy bill that touches on the politically charged issues of immigration and gay men, lesbians and bisexuals in the military.

The repeal.  It cometh. Your activism is still critically important. Make no bones about it.  This about intentionally bringing about systemic change in our political system as well as the military culture. It is important albeit really, really late in the game. 

The challenge for our elected Dems is to realize that LGBTQ activists are able to acknowledge progress, but continue to call for accountability and follow through on their promises to create a more equal and just society. I experienced this when Dan Onorato supporters were outraged that I did not consider his work on the Allegheny County Anti-Discrimination Ordinance substantial enough to warrant the term “ally.”  It came down to arguing about what happened behind the scenes with the LGBTQ political elite, or basically he-said/she-said.  How is that actual progress? 

Then there's the fact that criticism is just not “appropriate” in what passes for liberal Democratic circles.  You can't critique the President, the candidates or the party.  I must point out that it remains perfectly acceptable for anyone to critique State Senator Jane Orie's appearance, I mean politics.  That's fine. 

Don't rock the boat.  You might tip over and force a gay Marine to save you. 





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