Eastern Pennsylvania School District’s New Board Repeals Anti-Trans Student Policies

An Eastern Pennsylvania school district has repealed a set of anti-trans policies, including one that restricted where students could use the bathroom.

These policies were just passed in October leading to an outcry and turnover of the School Board in November. Prior to that in Septeember 2023, the Board had considered trans affirming policies.

That’s a lot of head spinning politics with the lives of children. Thank goodness the pendulum has swung back to a resting point. But Pennsylvania has 500 school districts. The failure of the PA General Assembly to address the larger issues allows this trickle down hate and harm.

 Perkiomen Valley School District is located in central Montgomery County. It serves the boroughs of Collegeville, Trappe, and Schwenksville, and the townships of Lower Frederick, Perkiomen, and Skippack, in Pennsylvania.The district headquarters are in Perkiomen Township.

Perkiomen School District transgender


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