Unidentified Trans Folx Dead in Texas and Oregon

In addition to the eight memorial posts published over the past week, there are two more deaths to acknowledge. We don’t have many details. If you have information on either person, please reach out.

Elena Esther Adem (l) Unidentified person (r)

From Dallas, the body of a person who seems to be a transwoman or otherwise in the transgender community was discovered in July. Her photo was listed with the name Elena Esther Adem. A few days later, her body was claimed and everything disappeared. There’s no word at all on what became of her much less what happened to her before she died.

Trans Doe Task Force researchers state that Elena’s posting identified her as a male. Her name is feminized. They had reason to believe she was Ethiopian or Ethiopian-American.

In August, the body of an unidentified person was discovered in Eugene, Oregon.

On August 10, 2023 the body of a deceased male was discovered by a passerby in front of the St. Vincent de Paul used car lot, State Hwy 99 North. The decedent was recognizable and had only been deceased for a matter of hours.

Estimated Demographics

Age Range 21-35

YOD 2023

PMI 1Days

Height 6′ 1

Weight 192 lbs

The clothing and accessories suggest this person was gender nonconforming.

Green and black round-neck shirt/tunic with floral pattern, buttons down the front, women’s XL (no brand, made in China) Black denim jeans, “Levi Strauss” brand, high rise ankle slim style. “Wigwam” brand black calf-length socks. White and black low-top tennis shoes, New Balance brand (608v2), size 13

This person was recently deceased, but there’s been no word from the investigation.


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