Review: Bombas Socks Kick-Ass

Christmas of 2021, my wife gifted me with a package of LGBTQ/pride themed sock from Bombas. In addition to being cute, she knew I would like that the company gives away a pair of socks with each pair purchased.

The pack of Pride flag socks via Bombas

I liked that they were a medium weight, they retained their shape after multiple washings, and the colors held up as well. I wore them once or twice in the summer when I had to be on my feet for awhile or do a lot of walking. To my surprise, they did not overheat my feet, but did provide a nice cushiony walking experience. And no excessive pilling after being laundered.

My Progress Pride socks in action as I threw out the first pitch at Pride Night at PNC Park.

For Christmas 2022, I decided to gift my wife with TWO packages of socks (not LGBTQ themed to avoid laundry confusion) and I bought each of us a pair of long johns.

Socks first. She was pleased. She has very small feet, mostly wearing kids sized shows. But her feet get cold quite easily so sturdy socks are a must. She says they fit well, keep her feet warm, and are at the top of her sock drawer. The size piece is important because it can be very hard to find socks cut for a small foot. The extra room dampens the warmth and the tendency to bunch up or slide down is not fun either when you need warm feet.

Socks my wife now owns

As for the long underwear? Well, on December 23, Pittsburgh was hit with an awful winter storm and we lost power in our house for 9+ hours. I decided to gift her the longjohns early and she put them on right away. I was already wearing leggings under my heavy sweat pants so I did not. She said throughout the day that they made a big difference. Trial by ice, perhaps?

I felt differently when I wore mine a few weeks later. I did not feel any warmer than wearing regular leggings. I also did not like the waist which bunched up around my back. They also slid around a lot, but I can’t reasonably see going to a larger or smaller size. They are cute. I think I might wear them as pajama bottoms.

The other thing that happened around this timeframe involved my collecting some clothing items for a friend who was making a fresh start. A few community groups responded and I discovered that one serving the queer community had an ample supply of Bombas socks albeit ankle length in stock. I took some to my friend and was literally rejoicing to see that our investment in the Bombas company was generating support for our own LGBTQ community in Pittsburgh.

Our network of 3,500+ Giving Partners helps us distribute an item for every item you purchase.

Their partner program is so wildly successful that they have closed applications for the entire year of 2023 to be able to process the 5000 outstanding applicants in addition to their 3500 current partners.

Bombas has a few Pride items. I was going to consider purchasing other underwear items, but after the experience with the long pieces I opted not to do so. They have a lot of cute shirts, but I suspect they are not very long so I’ll probably just stick with socks. They do socks really well.

I think I’ll try the lightweight socks next. These are definitely at the top of my sock drawer as well right up there with my LL Bean socks. I like to wear socks while I sleep, but I usually opt for a pair of athletic ankle socks that aren’t too heavy, not too light.

And I’ll definitely be weeding out my sock drawer. My wife will tell you I’m a sock enthusiast.

Overall, I’m a fan of Bombas. The fit of the long johns could just be the perpetual challenge of fitting plus sized women when it comes to hips and waists – it shouldn’t be an issue, but it happens. I’m also disappointed that everything is gendered. That leaves out a lot of people who prefer gender neutral clothing or who want a certain fit – like boxers and long trunks for women.

Given the price of these items, I’d say you are better off shopping at TomboyX for undergarments.

But make Bombas your go-to for socks. Your feet (and a neighbor’s feet) will thank you.

This product review is based on my opinion (and my wife’s opinion). I bought these items and did not receive any compensation, discounts, or gifts from Bombas. I am open to reviewing other items that I have not tried. Reviews are important.


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  • been wearing Bombas socks for years.. love the idea buy one give one. didn’t see the LGBTQ socks, thanks for sharing!

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