Pittsburgh SciTech Math Class Incorporates #ProtectTransKids Into Lessons

Received this today from a Pittsburgh SciTech 10th grade math class

I am really struggling right now so this was very well timed indeed. Making the list with ice cream, and mole sauce is high praise indeed. Thank you, teacher, for educating me today in a bit of “thankful math”

I pulled up one of the articles that you wrote about Pittsburgh’s Protect Trans Youth Day’s proclamation and played the video clips (of the 3 students and of Ke’Juan’s message) we talked about the signs all around Pittsburgh and beyond, the importance of the message, etc.

We did a “thankful” math activity today, and I wanted to show you one of the answers from my students in response to“I am thankful for these people I do not know personally but who are making an impact.” ❤️

J, math teacher

If you’d like to help us keep the math challenges going, please consider a donation either to #ProtectTransKids or to our LGBTQ Youth Holiday Project

Ke’Juan has a simple message to share …


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