Santa Claws Magic for Erica in Regent Square

For the holidays, we are asking you to adopt a community cat caretaker to thank them for their year round work.

Erica and her mother live in Regent Square.

Erica and her mother feed a colony in Wilkinsburg. They’ve named all the cats, know their relationships and heritage, and contact my rescue whenever someone new shoes up or someone is injured. They’ve been instrumental in coordinating with a rescue to get the colony TNRed. They pay out of pocket for the costs of food, and never miss breakfast or dinner time for the kitties, which have a very regular schedule. I drop off excess food whenever able, but Erica’s mother recently shared they spend a ton on food each year and are looking for ways to save. They were considering buying a house, but have put the plans on hold because they don’t want to leave the colony and may choose to wait until something nearby becomes available (or affordable).

We’d like to celebrate their efforts to help community cats by sending some Santa Claws magic their way.

  • gift cards
  • adopt the entire colony for one month (food, treats, supplies)
  • adopt the colony with a monthly donation
  • sponsor a TNVR for a West Mifflin cat

How to participate

Contact us with the name(s) of the caretaker you’d like to Santa Claws and describe what you’d like to contribute. This helps us ensure everyone receives a gift.

  • Gift cards can be sent via USPS or dropped at 1439 W. North Avenue Pittsburgh PA 15233 in the mail slot.
  • Erica’s cat food drive wishlist can be found at – items will ship directly to them. We suggest adopting their entire colony (currently 15) for an entire month (450 cans plus 2 bags) or sending a monthly donation of food to help them on a year round basis.
  • Financial donations can be made via our Facebook Fundraiser, Venmo @Pghlesbian, CashApp $Pghlesbian, or
  • Bulk gifts of 25 toys, treats, homemade soap, cat decorations, mugs, etc can be delivered to the address above with advance notice, please.


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