Ten Things I’ve Learned Trying Out Facebook Live From Our Home

For some reason, it seemed like a whimsical treat to start making Facebook Live videos from our home.  They aren’t particularly good videos, but they are sincere. I just sort of plop myself down somewhere and start talking. No notes, no script, occasional cat interruptions. It seems like a good time to try out Facebook Live. I’m new to using Facebook Live, but not new to Facebook itself.

I’m excited to have 30 views. That seems intimate enough to feel connected to people, but large enough to feel like it isn’t just Ledcat watching. I think she watches to wait for me to logoff so she can talk to me. LOL.

I am a complete novice to video. I do not have video editing skills or software. This isn’t about starting a video series. It is simply an experiment that fulfills various personal needs during this quarantine period. It is something interesting to do from home while bored.

Here are some things I’ve learned trying this out

  1. I touch my hair and face A LOT. Even ALOTS.
  2. Someone once gave me a plastic phone holder and I cannot find it. It would be very useful to hold the phone while I record. I need to look harder.
  3. I say some variant of  “I don’t really have much to say” at least 3x in each video and then keep on talking. A LOT.
  4. I don’t really mind or think about my appearance. As long as I’m wearing clean clothes, I’m just not feeling self-conscious because my head space is on the connection. That’s progress for me personally. And it could switch at any future point.
  5. It hits me really hard when someone says this matters to them. A vanity project actually has meaning and impact.
  6. This could be a way to find more adoptive homes for cats.
  7. I started out talking mostly about cats and personal stories, but have started to add things my therapist is sharing with me and talking about how to just fucking cope with this.
  8. Maybe I should invest in video editing software?
  9. At some point, I’m going to video in the bathroom so you can see why it is so kitten friendly.
  10. If there’s something you’d like me to discuss, leave a comment here or message me.

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