How Are the Kittens? March 3, 2020

If you are interested in adopting these or any kitten/cat, please click on over to Pittsburgh C.A.T. to review the application process and check out who is ready for your family!

Maisel and Lennon are great. They are ready for the permanent home. They play non-stop until they come to a full stop and sleep hard. They hang out in our bedroom quite a bit, but also make forays into the attic and living room. I believe they are suffering from FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) syndrome because they resist being cuddled if they think another cat or kitten is doing something interesting. When not distracted, they love to purr and be petted. A lot.

Stefano DiMera and Spencer Cassadine are still in a bit of shell-shock from their trapping/vet visit experience. This is not unexpected. They keep staring at us like we we come bearing knives and forks, but they do allow us to pet them through the crate. They are not yet eating that we can tell, but that’s also typical.

Stefano DiMera and Spencer Cassadine

Early this morning, something apparently happened because I found a few segments on the nanny cam where it sounded like the world collapsed – apparently they pulled off their cover and then knocked down two shelves in the crate. Ledcat found them snug in the hammock, side by side early this morning. We sorted them back out and wait to see what happens tonight.

We have raised 60% of the funds needed to take care of their vet expenses and TNR Mama and Papa who are still outside at the colony. Any amount you contribute will be welcome and help.

We are also always happy to have donations from our foster/feral Amazon wishlist – cat food, supplies, toys, random stuff that is needed. Shipments will go directly to our home.

And don’t forget to check out all of the cats and kittens waiting for adoption with Pittsburgh C.A.T.


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