Should You Send Me Screen Shots of Your ACDC Members Pro-Trump Social Media Content?

Soon after I published the post yesterday with 40 pro-Trump/MAGA images shared by Allegheny County Democratic Committee member and ward chair, Jeff ‘Bean’ Anesin, the tips about other members hit my inbox.

It is important to create a repository to illustrate that the magnitude of the members of the local Democratic Committee and the Democratic Party who support Trump and Trump policies is serious. It isn’t just a few jokes. It isn’t just an odd person or two. It isn’t just individual everyday folks who have every legal right to be in the party and support Trump, vile as that may be.

These are members of our elected party committee, like Jeff Anesin, and candidates endorsed by our elected party, like Heather Kass. These Trump supporters have access to power and influence within our party. That is not okay.

So, yes, you can send me your screenshots, if you like. Please help me out though by including a URL to the original post, even if its private. I’m not willing to spend hours scrolling through social media feeds to confirm each image. I just don’t have that sort of time or energy.

Screenshots should show the name and profile image of the individual who posted so it can be confirmed. Take screenshots of who commented and liked it as well. Let me know it is private, public, taken down, etc. Tell me who the poster is. That sort of detail is helpful.

I cannot promise what I will do or if I will publish the posts, but I can say that I have no reason to violate your privacy simply for reaching out to me with possible information unless there is potential for harm or a disclosure of illegal activity.

You can email me at pghlesbian at gmail dot com.


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