‘Grist From The Mill’ trilogy explores steel mill storytelling

This weekend, Off the wall Theater debuts the first piece from a new trilogy by Lissa Brennan.

GRIST FROM THE MILL is a trilogy of works of storytelling inspired by fairy tales and folk music, specifically Irish murder ballads which spoke of ugly events with considered beauty. The steel mills of Southwestern Pennsylvania go beyond serving as a backdrop to play a pivotal role in each installment. This piece, 1902, begins the series.

So this is a murder mystery set at the turn of the 20th century in a steel mill.

That’s intriguing. You can read more from an interview with the playwright, BUT you can only catch the show this weekend hosted by Dog & Pony Show Theatricals at Carnegie Stage.

Friday and Saturday, 8 PM

Tickets start at $5 for students, then $10 for artists, and $15 for adults.


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