About That Pittsburgh Pridefest Announcement …

Yeah, I don’t care what you are going to tell me or ask me or suggest to me.

Unless you are working to save Persad Center, I have no time to even worry about Pridefest or Delta or GVH or any of it. Just no. Tell me what you are actively doing to preserve our legacy of nearly 50 years of LGBTQ centric mental health services. And make it better, addressing the very real systemic flaws that are terrible. But not as terrible as Persad going under or being taken over by for-profit cisgender heterosexual folks.

What are you doing to save our mental health services? Fill me on that and then we can talk about Pridefest and your needs and feelings.  There are lots of Prides in Pittsburgh – People’s Pride, Pittsburgh Black Pride, Trans Pride, Pgh Bi Pride, for starters. There is one LGBTQ mental health center. I support all of those prides and hope they support the clients of Persad.

If you are throwing your hands up in the air because no one can stop them, then good luck with that approach.

Here are some things you can do.

Donate to Peoples Pride PGH 2K20

Look at this list of people on the board of Persad Center and ask them some pointed questions about goings on. Then ask some more. These are the people giving the Delta Foundation and Central Wellness Outreach full control over Persad Center. They are the ones who can stop it, they can be transparents and honest, or they can protect their recent legacy of mismanagement and atrocious self-serving greed. Shame on all of them.

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