Jeremy Shaffer Twists Synagogue Shooting to Support His Campaign

Earlier this year, I wrote about Jeremy Shaffer’s shenanigans in trying to avoid going on the reord about LGBTQ issues. He’s a crafty one. He’s a man of faith, but doesn’t specify the name of his congregation. His kids are home-schooled and attend private Christian school, but he won’t go on the record about public education funding.

He stands for and againt everything which means he really stands for nothing, but himself.  WESA even called him out on this matter.

But he still managed to shock me today when he used the anti-Semitic terrorist attack on our neighbors in Squirrel Hill to bolster his non-record on LGBTQ issues. See for yourself:

A few things to note

  • he mentions sexual orientation, but not gender identity. That’s a big red flag.
  • he mentions our sisters and brothers, but not our neighbors.
  • the shooting is being investigated as a federal hate crime. he’s facging 44 inditement counts, including hate crimes. And Pennsylvania is waiting in the wings to level local charges.
  • religion is already a protected class under Pennsylvania existing hate crimes law

Perhaps worst of all is that Jeremy Shaffer didn’t even say the name of his own constituent who was murdered in this massacre. Richard Gottfried was a resident of Ross. Shaffer is a Comissioner in Ross. Shaffer wants to be the State Senator for Ross.

How do you fail to say the name of your own neighbor when making a campaign ad about the crime that took his life?

I am so sory for all of Dr. Gottfried’s family, friends, and neighbors who have to witness this. I am sorry that Jeremy Shaffer thinks so little of his constituents.

Such a blatant grab for credibility on a semblance of progressive issue. He knows that his weakness on LGBTQ issues are a big threat to his election. So much that he would exploit the worst anti-Semitic attack in recent history on US soil to win votes.

How much lower will he sink before Tuesday?


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