Exciting News for AMPLIFY as We Team Up With Persad

We are thrilled to announce a new direction for the #AMPLIFY project – beginning in January 2017, Persad Center will be our new fiscal sponsor.

Persad is the longest running LGBTQ organization in Western PA serving all of the region since 1972. They have a myriad of programs and services, many of which can offer support to our neighbors throughout all 26 counties. And now they have us

Just to be clear, we are not a formal part of the organization. A fiscal sponsorship means that they will act us our fiduciary party to handle grants, donations and so forth. We have our own advisory group and do not speak for or represent their organization. Fiscal sponsorships are lovely ways for large, established organizations to help smaller groups get their feet wet while negotiating the terrain of establishing a formal 501c3. I am a BIG FAN of this concept especially in this region which has 46 nonprofits per resident. Get your feet wet, please.

In our case, we are not heading in the direction of becoming a permanent organization. We are a temporary effort and a fiscal sponsorship allows us to focus on our mission and strategy.

For the past two years, we’ve been working with the Bloomfield-Garfield Association as our sponsor via Most Wanted Fine Art. And I want to thank them for all of their support. They’ve been so great to work with and helpful and flexible. They really stood with us and supported the value of lifting up LGBTQ voices far beyond the borders of the Bloomfield-Garfield association.

Most Wanted Fine Art will continue to be part of our Advisory Group which is also very exciting as we move forward.

Don’t forget that we are sponsoring #ReachOUT to support the seniors in the Persad SAGE program – we need gift cards for 9 LGBTQ elders living in isolation and cookies for 150 people gathering at the holiday party!

If you are super excited, impressed or just midly thrilled, why not consider adding your voice to the #AMPLIFY project. Click here to find our Q&A which takes about 30 minutes of your time!

Also, if you are interested in fiscal sponsorships, Persad Center is one option but you can also consider the GLCC of Pittsburgh and the Pennsylvania Youth Congress. It is nice to have three options to find the best fit. Be sure to do your homework!




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