A Friday Round Up

Pam's House Blend has a take on the Congressional call to extend veteran benefits to LGBT military families for those discharged under Don't Ask, Don't Tell.

From Lez Get Real, a tough to read post about bullying on college campuses.

The Post-Gazette's Dennis Roddy makes an interesting career move.

Bitch Media has the scoop on the GOP's decision to drop a measure redefining rape so as not to use use taxpayer dollars to pay for abortion.  (You've got to follow the link to the amazing political satire by The Daily Show).

Maria from 2 Political Junkies highlights a county judicial decision that a minor girl was not mature enough to make a decision about abortion.  The inevitable conclusion is that she was mature enough to carry a pregnancy to term and make a mature decision about what comes next. She also lost her appeal and her case is before the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. 

Interesting that while [Judge Phil] Ignelzi was fairly vague to the League of Women Voters and the Steel City Stonewall Democrats while running for election (because, you know, it would be “inappropriate and unfair” to get too specific), the group People Concerned for the Unborn Child determined that he was anti choice and endorsed him — in fact, he was the only candidate who they endorsed for that seat

Huh. Another example of Western PA Republicans in Democrat clothing.

The City Paper's Lauren Daley talks with Judith “Jack” Halberstam from USC about an upcoming discussion on queer and gender theory.

Finally, I urge you to read Jane's story, part of a new survey on the real lives of transgender men and women in the United States.


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