PA Rep Tim Solobay – defends himself from Harrisburg “trash”

I was pleased that Representative Tim Solobay used quick thinking to defend himself in an attempted mugging in Harrisburg.  I'm glad some of the suspects are in custody and no one was injured.  It is a good story of an individual using the resources at hand to get help.  Being a former athlete didn't hurt.

But the last lines in the Wednesday late edition version of events took me aback.

   Though the experience was frightening, Mr. Solobay said it had a positive side.

“At least we got some of the trash off the streets of Harrisburg,” he said.

We are talking about 4 teenagers.  Yes, they committed a crime and one pointed a weapon at Solobay.  He's understandably angry and shaken, but … referring to youth as trash?  That reads like a soundbyte for reelection, not a thoughtful commentary on community safety in Harrisburg. 

I guess I expect a more nuanced response. 
Perhaps I would read this differently if I were the victim of a similar crime.  But it doesn't sit well with me.  It sounds like more state $$ for prisons and less for prevention. 


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