LGBTQ meeting with Specter

Senator Arlen Specter invites our community to meet with him.  He's having a private meeting with a few LGBTQ leaders and then a reception open to the general public.  Sadly, media are not invited to the private meeting.  The good thing is that they consider bloggers media so all four of us can pat ourselves on the back while we wait for the scoop.  LOL.  No dogs allowed.

Seriously, I am comfortable knowing that the Sue Frietsche's and Dana Elmendorf's will be behind those doors.  It would be nice if the Jodi Hirsh's were there, too, but that's probably too much to hope for. (Yes, I know that I've mentioned all women because I am very sure the male end of the LGBTQ community will be well represented). 

Please consider attending and helping to spread the word on this unique opportunity for our region:  

Saturday, May 8, 2010, 11:45am.  


Senator Arlen Specter is hosting a reception with the LGBT community.  The Senator will be taking questions and will give an update on what is happening on issues in Washington. 


Shady Grove

5500 Walnut Street, Second Floor

Pittsburgh, 15232. 

Corner of Walnut and Bellefonte in Shadyside.  

Please R.S.V.P. to Art DeCoursey: at   or 412-682-0670


You can read Senator Specter's responses to questions on key issues effecting the LGBT community on the Steel-City Stonewall website at . Please join this community conversation with your questions and thoughts!  

I am very curious to ask Senator Specter how we here in Pittsburgh can help move the repeal of DADT and the passage of ENDA along.  He's supportive of both so hopefully he'll have some constructive suggestions for us.

I won't have the guts to ask him why he's gone so negative on Sestak.  The ads questioning his military service (does that count as swiftboating?) are way beyond the pale.  Jon Delano tweeted that Specter only has a six point lead on Sestak so it is all fascinating at this point. 

I'm also curious how Sestak is going to reach out to the Pittsburgh LGBTQ community.  He lost the endorsement. I was asked to write a guest post when national bloggers discovered this little fact. (Guess what? I blame Dan Onorato!)

Sestakians, what say you?

So I guess Saturday morning, I'll have to leave my mulch and wildflowers behind and trundle off to Shadyside. 

I hope they have wi-fi. 



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