Onorato favors "civil unions" but denies his gay employees health insurance for their families

Yeah, I'm that impressed with the tip I received last night that Onorato had publicly stated his support for civil union at a rally in York, PA yesterday afternoon.  I confirmed with a campaign source, but I don't have any further details. 

This is a long way from the candidate who simply refused to answer the question of marriage equality on the Steel-City Stonewall questionnaire during his last bid for County Chief Executive. (h/t 2 Political Junkies).  The original questionnaire is not available online. 

Discuss your thoughts on marriage equality for same-sex couples; while the position you seek may not directly affect this issue, it is important for us to understand your perspective.


Over the past decade, government money has been used to promote “abstinence-only-until marriage” programs in schools. Even though same-sex couples still cannot legally marry in Pennsylvania, to qualify for government support, schools must teach that any sexual relationships outside of marriage is “likely to have harmful psychological and physical effects.” Do you support or oppose abstinence-only-until-marriage curricula?


Discuss your thoughts on government's role in shaping school curricula for sex education. Do you have any thoughts on the formation of gay-straight student alliances within the public school systems?


Another equality issue confronting our country is the issue of abortion. Please discuss your position on abortion and any thoughts you have on the current abortion debate.


So, yes, progress.  I understand the campaign will be releasing a LGBT position paper on Friday which again is some progress, as they could default to the upcoming Steel-City questionnaire. 

But … come on, people.  Still no domestic partner benefits?  I am being told behind the scenes to be patient, just wait and it will happen.  I assume it will happen in time for the primary, especially with the potential for Cyril Wecht tossing his hat into the ring.  Not that I know Cyril Wecht's position on gay issues, simply that Onorato will need to capture as many of us D's as possible. 

But … come on, people. Stating your support for civil unions does not offset failure to take action on an LGBT issue within your current realm of influence. 

The fascination of the emegence of a homo-tolerant version of Onorato from the cocoon of the “good Catholic boy” breeding ground of Pittsburgh is not nearly as significant as the number of LGBT partners who continue to lack health insurance because their boss doesn't think they are worth the effort. 

Civil unions are great campaign promises, but Allegheny County's LGBT community deserves action. 


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