Call to Action: It is do or die (aka not exist) time folks!

Stay tuned for more details on the Allegheny County Non-Discrimination Ordinance amendment quagmire.

We MUST regain control of the ordinance language.  Right now, it will allow organizations that are funded with your county tax dollars to discriminate against you.  And that's just the beginning.

Put Monday on your calendar.  We need you and everyone you identify as an ally to make a mental note to call Dan Onorato's office on Monday between 9 AM and 4 PM with the following message:

Ask them to remove the language from the proposed Human Relations Ordinance that allows organizations that receive County funding to discriminate.

Dan's number is 412-350-6500.

A simple five minute task folks.  Please spread this around. I promise I will fill in the gory details when I have time but we have less than 48 hours to line up 100 telephone calls for Monday.  Many of you tell me you want to help.  If you can get one person to commit to make this call and you make it yourself, we can cut our work in half. 

I would love to know how many people are calling.  I've heard from about 10 folks so far.  Please email me, facebook me, comment or hit me up on twitter. 

Please retweet this.  Get promises from people to call.  The County ordinance really needs you and this will have major play when it comes to the statewide ordinance. 


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