Sick Days

It is 5:25 AM and I am still stick.  I spent yesterday pretty much in bed which I rarely do. Last night, I tossed and turned with the whole “I'm cold/I'm hot” thing and body aches.  I took some Tylenol, but now I'm awake at 5:25 AM (actually I was awake at 5:00 AM) with the whole “I'm cold/I'm hot” thing and body aches. My tossing and turning was keeping everyone, notably Ledcat, awake and causing much stirring amongst the critters.  Since the second bedroom has accumulated at least 3 loads of laundry to be folded (I did briefly consider flopping down on the pile but opted against further annoying Ledcat), I dragged myself downstairs to curl up on the couch with the night stalker aka Coco.  On the bright side, I did enjoy my first meal in 36 hours — saltines and gatorade. Yummy.  With a Tylenol chaser.

I have a training to attend today and, ridiculously, I'm still debating attending.  Clearly, I'm sick.  It is 64 degrees in the house and I'm not the least bit cold at this particular moment.  My body feels like I just ran into a wall.  Do I actually think I will avoid infecting other people AND still absorb something from this training?  I'm blogging at 5:32 AM so rational thought probably isn't an indicator of anything for me.  I'm just going to keep typing until I get tired enough to maybe get a few hours of continuous sleep or should that read a few continuous hours of sleep?  My point is still made.

I was going to read my much overdue library book about Descartes but it is too heavy for me to hold upright without shaking.  Also not a good sign, huh?  I wish I had a Linda Fairstein novel to read.  Descartes is a bit much.  I hate being sick with nothing light to read.  I may have to pilfer some issues of Rolling Stone from Ledcat. 

What I hate more than being sick is when people come to work sick.  I mean a cold in one thing, but people who look like death warmed over a few times and then some should stay home.  I'm very fortunate to have worked at places with generous sick time.  I remember having PT jobs upon which I depended for rent money and not having a choice about taking a sick day.  I really appreciate my job right now. 

On the bright side, my new poster from Ms. Magazine apparently arrived yesterday.  When I renewed, they sent me a poster featuring Barack Obama wearing a “This is what a feminist looks like” tee shirt.  That's kind of awesome.  Another bright side is that Ledcat did a “sick” grocery shopping so I'm stocked up on crackers, Gatorade and chicken noodle soup.  She's very good about doing that and always gets just the right things for me.  I really appreciate my Ledcat right now.  I hear no stirring of little toe nails so apparently the dogs settled down and she's drifted back to sleep.  Another bright note is that we have two movies from NetFlix so my inability to go out and do anything will be softened by watching “Margot Getting Married.”  I really appreciate NetFlix right now.

Maybe I should toss in some gay stuff now, aside from the normal household stuff of two women coping with illness, laundry and dogs in need of nail trimming while living in a homosexual relationship.  You know, life lived in sin. 

Read Pam's take on the newest incarnation of the Office of Faith Based Programs. As we have been arguing here in Allegheny County, religious groups will be free to continue discriminating against gays under the guise of their religious freedoms.  Should they be funded to do so?  Hmmm.  How does a queer teen experiencing homelessness feel about “praying away his gay” before he gets a bowl of soup and the right to take a weekly shower?  Even this sick woman sees that we must have ENDA in place to tackle the unjust fallout of religious discrimination.  There's nothing wrong with a faith based soup kitchen, it just shouldn't receive governmental funding if it uses those tax dollars to cause harm to vulnerable people.  Cause harm on your own dollars.

OK, I think I'm ready to sleep.  I can feel that the room is chilly which is a good sign.  So here's hoping for some sleep and another delicious meal of crackers sometime soon.  Have a great day, kids.


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