Jim Quinn: “Gay Sex Produces AIDS”

Ah, Jim Quinn.  He has no problems with gays, except for our impact on health insurance premiums what with all the AIDS generating sex we have and our attempts to “muddy the waters” by wanting to get married. 


GLAAD is calling on all homosexuals to urge Clear Channel Communications to sanction Quinn.

Please contact Clear Channel to voice your concerns about Quinn's reprehensible remarks about gay people and people with AIDS. Call on Clear Channel to reprimand him and stop providing a national platform for these kids of defamatory attacks.


Lisa Dollinger
Chief Communications Officer
Clear Channel Communications
(210) 822-2828

Kathryn Johnson
Senior Vice President, Corporate Relations
Clear Channel Communications
(210) 822-2828

Sanda Coyle
Clear Channel Radio
(210) 822-2828

What Quinn said is really reprehensible.  And dated.  My God, gay sex produces AIDS?  Is that his best riposte to the quest for legalized marrriage?  Is that the best he's got?  So people with AIDS shouldn't get married?  And don't deserve health insurance?  That must be some comfort to all the happily wed heterosexual HIV+ folks out there.  Too bad for you. 

I'm not one for censorship, but I do think Clear Channel is part of the larger problem of the lack of positive representation of the gay community on the airwaves.  Pittsburgh just lost one of the few progressive voices on the air with the departure of Lynn Cullen from WPTT 1360.  Thus, personally, I think the community would be better served by calling for Clear Channel to diversify the voices on the air rather than gagging Jim Quinn.  Of course, that sort of campaign rests upon the outrageousness of these comments.

Rumors are that some local station might bring Lynn back on the air,  but no one wants to “'jinx” the deal by talking about it.  Someone should start an online petition. 


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