Giveaway: Win Pair of Passes to Pgh Premiere of “Married in Spandex”

(excuse the alliteration in the headline – what can i say?)

It is always fun when there’s an LGBTQ movie outside of the Film Festival schedule so be sure to clear your calendar for Friday, September 7 when “Married in Spandex” is showing at the Hollywood Theater in Dormont. AND the filmmakers are Pittsburgh natives. The film starts promptly at 8 PM. Doors open at 7 PM. Tickets are $7 in advance and $10 at the door.

“Married in Spandex” follows Amanda and Rachel as they travel from their home in the City of Brotherly Love to the town of Ames, Iowa for a celebration like no one has ever seen. Told simply, despite the complicated questions its story raises, “Married in Spandex” is part road movie, part political commentary, and ALL love story.

 The premiere will also feature live music, basket raffles and a short film. A Q&A with the filmmakers will follow the screening. Equality PA will have an information table and will participate in the Q & A segment. Tickets are $7 in advance and $10 at the door (students with ID, $7). 

We’ve been given the opportunity to give away two sets of passes for you to see the movie! We are using Rafflecopter to give you multiple chances to win – you earn points by liking our Facebook page, following us on Twitter, tweeting about the giveaway or leaving a comment. You can do those things once every 24 hours to increase your odds of winning.

What better way to shake off the dust of the Republican Convention and gear up for the final two months of the election season? This looks like a fun, engaging evening.

Watch the trailer and then scroll down to enter the contest.

Married in Spandex Trailer from Devin Gallagher on Vimeo.

a Rafflecopter giveaway



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