Catherine Specter – Yinzerette Wannabe?

In yet another ridiculous attempt to court younger readers, the PG's Cat Specter has gotten herself a makeover. At least her photo has.  The Betty Crocker 'do is gone.  Instead, Cat has for a very predictable Pittsburgh look – Yinzerette skeeve.  You know what I mean — pseudo skanky hair and the undernourished look of someone who gets most of their nutrition from Marlboro.  But its a hair style she paid Iszazu $150 to achieve.  And she more than likely bought her jaunty beret at Macys or one of these look alike Oakmont boutiques. 

Hey, I'm a Mon Valley girl and have five generations of steelworking ancestors to prove it.  I grew up in a river of Yinzerettes replete with big hair, loud makeup and all the accoutrements of a Saturday night hanging at Century III Mall.  It doesn't matter how many times Lamont Jones hits her with the whore stick, she ain't gonna pass.

Speaking of the jaunty beret.  Take a look at these side by side shots and tell me I'm wrong about Cat's Carrie Bradshaw aspirations ….

Advice this week is pretty much the usual fare.  She responds to a question about casual sex with the typical gender-based dismissve “boys will be boys” lines.  She rallies on a question about mother's day gifts (more is better).  I was almost disappointed until she reverted back to form on the final letter from a man who is not savvy on text messaging, but nonetheless seems to juggle a bevy of beauties he describes as “my women.”  Nice.  Without questioning why he is dating high school students, she gives him this bit of wisdom:

Cat's Call: The typed word is savable, the spoken word can always be denied later.

Straight from the Yinzerette's mouth.  Sort of. 


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