Lesbian Correspondent Goes National!

I want to thank the man who made it all possible for this little correspondent to hit the big time …. soon to be former US Senator Rick Santorum!  

Yes, folks, I am doing a one month guest stint as a lesbian correspondent for a NATIONAL blog (ooohhhhhhh!).  🙂

It is called Big Gay Picture and we've linked to it from almost Day One.   Founding lesbian editor Sarah has to attend to other priorities, so the dynamic duo of Brent and Michael sought out some new lesbian blood (oh, those gay boys and their lesbian blood fetishes!).  Voila!  I'm joining Christie Keith (fellow dog lover) in a one month guest stint. 

Don't worry Pittsburgh!  I'll still be taking care of my correspondent duties both here and on KDKA's The Flip Side with John McIntire.  Big Gay Picture is all about the national issues like Rene Portland's lesbian baiting, Rick Santorum's reelection campaign and attempts to pass marriage protection amendments … its like the Big Pennsylvania Gay Picture. 

Obviously, I'm just the woman for the job!   Read often and make lots of comments. 

My mother would be so proud if I could get her to understand what a blog is …


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