Giveaway: Derek Bishop Album ‘Bicycling in Quicksand’

Derek Bishop

Enter to win Bicycling in Quicksand from Derek Bishop! Derek Bishop is an openly gay singer-singwriter  with an electro-pop sound with a 60s/70s vibe. This album is fun and a little trippy, upbeat and self-aware without being incessantly electronica. Bicycling In Quicksand the brand-new album from out artist DEREK BISHOP Featuring “Baggage” and “Shutting Down” […]

Review: Royal Myanmar in West View

Living in Manchester on Pittsburgh’s North Side, we are very fortunate to have several varieties of Asian/Asian-American cuisine available within a 10-15 minute drive, including Indian, Nepalese, Thai and Cambodian as well as multiple Chinese restaurants with different regional emphasis. So we were pleased to learn about a relatively new location serving Burmese cuisine. Royal […]

An Open Letter to @ColinMeloy About #Bisexual Jokes

Andre Gray

Dear Colin, Last night, I was in the audience for The Decemberists Pittsburgh concert at The Benedum. The crowd numbered about 2,800 and the house was sold-out (per the usher.) Our seats were pretty good (Orchestra, Row T) and while we did have one screamer near us, for the most part it was a congenial little […]