So, Two Out of Three?

OK, so I am from Pittsburgh and I am a correspondent. That’s like 66 percent, right?

I am extremely nervous about being invited to blog at, and extremely touched and honored and grateful to Sue for inviting me to contribute here.

I’m nervous in part because Sue has set a very high standard here. She’s dedicated and passionate and fierce and smart, and that’s intimidating. Her audience is all of those things, too, and more.

(I’ve been lurking around here for a long time. You people don’t take much B.S.)

I’m nervous, too, because I’m metaphorically being invited into what has been a women-only space. And as a male-bodied person who identifies as transgender, that always makes me uncomfortable. Over the past several years, as I’ve been on my own exploration of gender identity and gender politics, I’ve become acutely aware of male privilege. Blind spots: I haz them.

I am very happy and proud to identify as part of the LGBTQIA community, so I don’t only plan to write about transgender issues. But I will be writing about them sometimes, because they seem to be in the news more and more, and there is a lot of confusion. Even my friends across the spectrum—gay, straight, bi, allies—have all told me this “transgender” thing is something they have a hard time understanding. It can be a minefield.

Some people who you might consider transgender don’t want to be included in that category. Other people aren’t sure “transgender” should go with lesbian, gay, bi and poly. (“Transgender” is about how you personally identify, while the others are more about to whom you’re attracted.)

Anyway, I’ll talk a little bit more about me, maybe, in another post, if people are interested. (‘Cause frankly, I’m not sure anyone considers me all that interesting.) And, obviously, if you have a question about something related to the trans community, email me at If I can help connect someone with resources, for instance, I absolutely will.

(Oh, P.S.: This may be obvious, but maybe not. My name is a pseudonym. To use some Pittsburghese, I’m aht, but I’m not aht aht.)


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  • Trish,

    66% is an interesting intersection – greater than the 47%? 🙂

    As for what goes with what, a lot of people don’t think lesbian goes with gay, or that bi goes with anything. These will be interesting nuances to explore even as you do write about other “stuff.”

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