I Miss Graduate School

Sometimes, I miss graduate school. Specifically, I miss the conversation. When I was at LSU in the early 1990’s, we spent a lot of time talking, discussing and arguing. It was exhilarating and frightening to be exposed to so many new ideas, opening a world of possibilities to me. There’s no way to recreate that. […]

Five Things People Say To Social Workers

social work

Today is World Social Work Day. I received my MSW after blood, sweat and tears in April of 2000. And since that day when someone asks me what I do, I have typically responded “I’m a social worker” rather than using my actual job title. I do this because I am proud to be part […]

I Dropped Out of Grad School To Become a Missionary

Todd County Kentucky

 What’s the most crazy, outrageously impulsive thing you’ve ever done?  I was not an impulsive kid. I was unhappy and anxious, but I did what was expected of me for the most part. I also learned early on to carefully watch for opportunities – an extension of  a survival instinct. I rarely did the unexpected […]

We All Want To Go Back to Graduate School

Graduate_School, intellectual conversation

Daily Prompt: What’s your learning style? Do you prefer learning in a group and in an interactive setting? Or one-on-one? Do you retain information best through lectures, or visuals, or simply by reading books? I’m going to take the middle road and say “both.” I love to read. It’s fair to say I’ve learned more […]

A Long Time Ago In a Graduate School Far, Far Away

The Prompt: Share a story about the furthest you’ve ever traveled from home. The furthest I’ve been distance wise has been Western Texas – it was part of a several week “road trip” we took in graduate school. That experience was almost surreal – being chased by a wild boar, riding in a row-boat across the […]