National Roundup

Dear Lord, I have no clue where to begin.  I've been so focused on the local scene that I've lost touch with what's happening on a federal level.  How about you?  I'm on a national LGBTQ blogging email list and the volume is mindblowing.  Sometimes I feel like I'm crouching in the corner trying to figure out what people who are ten times smarter than me are talking about. 

Here's a few links worth following:

Pam's House Blend has been following the story on the White House Stonewall Cocktail Reception.  Yep, its a controversy because of the tension between LGBTQ leaders and the White House's snail pace response to federal LGBTQ issues. She's also been covering the boycott/protest of DNC fundraising events. 

Then there is the police instigated gay bashing event at a Fort Worth bar.  Just in time for the 40th Anniversary of Stonewall.  Some things never change.

The Washington Blade has the latest predictions on ENDA.  Our own Congressman Mike Doyle is supposed to be signing on as a cosponsor.  I have yet to verify that, but I'll let you know as soon as I do.

That's just a smidgen of the news.  It is just great that coverage of LGBTQ events has skyrocket and I think it is very much due to the unrelenting work of bloggers and other new social media activists.  When NetRoots nation hits town in August, you'll have a chance to see what I mean. 


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