Rumors are flying about the impending snowstorm scheduled for Monday.  2-3, 4-6, 8-12.  Does it really matter? Ick.

I was trying to remember how I learned to drive in the snow.  Do you remember your first time behind the wheel in the snow?  Then I realize I've been driving for 24 years and start to panic about that stunner.  LOL.

Good news from New Hampshire which beat back a constitutional amendment and a bill.  Go NH! (h/t Pam's House Blend)

Sadly, Catholic Charities has shuttered an 80 year legacy in foster care rather than license same sex homes.  (h/t Bilerico).  Did you know in Pennsylvania is it legal for LGBT individuals and couples to become foster parents, but it is not required? So the various faither based agencies that do this excellent work can turn you away, but rest assured that there are plenty of secular organizations where you can pursue foster parenting.  Simply use the Google. 

Maria has the details on an upcoming fundraiser to help provide feminine hygeine products to area girls through a partnership of Planned Parenthood with various schools.  When I was working in social services in rural Kentucky, I was astounded to learn how many women used actual rags because they did not have the $$ to buy pads and tampons. I thought I had some understanding of poverty, but that was a pretty powerful moment.  I've talked with folks serving homeless women and others at the foodbank only to learn that this is not a rural problem, it is a problem associated with poverty and women.  If you can help, it is a pretty important cause.

CBS apparently refused to air a simple LGBT PSA.

Great read by Chris Briem on running for Allegheny County Democratic Committee.

To wrap up, please take a moment to read this story about a poor old dog that lived for 10 years without even a NAME of his own.  You can help with a simple $5 donation via Paypal.  A ten year old dog should have at least had a name.  There's something incredibly sad about that simple fact.