Dick Marshall of Crafton writes a moving tribute to his deceased father, noting his loving acceptance and celebration of Dick's identify as a gay man.

My father died nine years ago, encouraging me until the very end of his life to be a compassionate, nonjudgmental, loving and inclusive man. He encouraged my leadership with mentally challenged children and as a facilitator with HIV and family groups affected by AIDS. He also encouraged me to stay active in my church. My father loved me unconditionally as his gay son as he loved my brother as his straight son. He would have hoped (and prayed) that Mr. Fox would one day feel similarly about his own beloved son, and I imagine that he would have wanted to quietly and firmly shake Mr. Fazzini's hand.

Mr. Fox and Mr. Fazzine testified at the recent Presbytery meeting on gay clergy.  Mr. Fox said he loved his son but deplored his identity as a gay man which he deemed sinful and unworthy of providing leadership in the church.  Mr. Fazzini also has a gay son of whom he states he is inordinatnly proud and clearly deserving of a church that affirms and celebrates him as a complete being, not in spite of his identity. 

Mr. Fox makes me appreciate my parents.  They won't join PFLAG anytime soon, but they love and accept Ledcat and me.  My parents are willing to leave their comfort zone to participate in our lives. 

Kudos to Mr. Marshall for providing yet another example of the power of the letter to the editor.  Please won't you write your own?