Now that's the kind of headline to start your Saturday morning. 

Jeb Bush rolled into town for a Santorum fundraiser at the Duquesne Club (no word on whether Sienne Miller was in attendance).  He encountered some protestors near Sixth and Liberty.

Demonstrating the further stagnation of the Bush gene pool, Jeb blew the protestors a kiss.  Does he think he's Liz Taylor for crying out loud? 

So they chased him.  The PG account is filled with delightful phrases like "scurried" and "slow retreat" and "Mr. Bush was cornered."  But far and away this is the best part of the entire article:

As a precaution, the governor was ushered into a T-station supply closet and stayed there until the crowd left.

 They drove him into the supply closet while Port Authority police tasered a few folks and dispersed the crowd.  No arrests. 

Here's my question -- if the crowd's behavior requires the use of force (taser), why no citations?  Or was this just about felling some protestors to free Jeb Bush from his closet? The homo in my would normally find that compelling, but I'd frankly rather Jeb stay in the supply closet and stay the hell out of Pittsburgh.  Blowing kisses and going underground is simply not done here in the 'burgh.

Who investigates Port Authority use of force?  Who investigates Jeb Bush's crowd control tactics?  Who unlocked the closet door?