I've been working out consistently for four months, but really overdid it this past month ... 12 days in a row.  Today I took a much needed break and my legs are not happy with me. 

It is a lot of friggin work to change your lifestyle. I have to measure food.  I have to write things down (or type them). I have to plan, plan, plan.  I have to juggle multiple nutrition issues. I have to squeeze my Wii time in somewhere between dawn and dusk, plus .... have an actual life to style. 

I mean, it is worth it. I'm stronger, healthier and happier.  But it is not easy and it is the first thing I think of when people describe being queer as a lifestyle. I make choices about my food, but I don't delve deeply inward to explore those choices. They are healthy, end of story.  My identity, on the other hand, is an entirely different story.  Yes, I am delving and constantly evolving. I don't have certainty because I'm only 39 and life is a constant state of flux. Thinking about calories and cards is nothing at all like thinking about facets of my identity.

I had a comforting (healthy) dinner the other night with a friend who says she waivers back and forth in terms of how to identify herself.  I can completely relate to that.  There is so much pressure to pick a label and "lesbian blogger" is just not enough any longer.  I'm a person. I have a blog.  And I'm a lesbian.  I also avoid candy bars.

It is all good.