Pittsburgh's LGBTQ Blog ... out'n proud in the Burghosphere.

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View Article  Sheila and Bob: Two Pittsburgh Queers Stepping Up to the Plate

There's a lot happening in the Queer 'burgh  -- gay political groups, queer art collectives, a lesbian chorus, comedy shows, art shows, movies, dinners, fundraisers ... the list goes on and on of all the cool groups and organizations making a difference for you and your family.

Often overlooked is the contribution of your average homo who takes it upon her or himself to do something proactive to build the kind of community in which s/he desires to live.  Both of these people, Bob and Sheila, are friends of mine who I believe put their money where their mouths are for the greater good of the entire community.  And they set examples for the rest of us who have a tendency to mouth off, but take no action.

Sheila thinks there isn't enough cool stuff for lesbians or, perhaps more precisely, that lesbians have trouble connecting with women with similar interests.  There are email list for biking lesbians, hiking lesbians, even kayaking lesbians.  Sheila liked to dance, go out to dinner, travel and hang out. So Sheila started her own group, Lesbos of Pittsburgh

This group is for lesbians only who are tired of staying at home. We want women from Ohio, West Virginia, and all around Pennsylvania. Do you like to go dance,go to comedy clubs,eat nice dinners,travel and go to gay events? Lets get together. Most activities will take place in the Pittsburgh area. There are lots of things to do and see here.

I've known Sheila for several years and she is one of the most straightforward people in my life.  She goes to all the events, including many fundraisers.  She tries all sorts of new activities from potlucks to mini golf to art shows.  And I really admire her for stepping up to create a sense of community for women who walk in her shoes.  I'm on several other local LGBT email lists and only one comes close to creating a sense of community (Pittsburgh Potluck Womyn for those of you who are curious).

Bob is an old friend of Ledcat's and a relatively new friend of mine.  He's interested in politics (like most of us), but he's made it a personal priority to help elect gay-positive candidates.  Unlike most of us, Bob puts his time and money where his mouth is.  He writes countless letters to the editor and letters to elected officials and letters to all the rest of us telling us that we should be writing, too.   He's even dedicated a portion of his website to promoting the candidates he think will best serve the needs of the LGBTQ community in his districts. 

Interestingly, both Sheila and Bob live outside of Pittsburgh, outside of Allegheny County even.  But they both still identify with our city and want good things for the entire LGBTQ community.  They aren't just focused on their neighborhood, card club or small group of likeminded friends  -- they put themselves out here for all of us. 

That's cool.    Wish more of us could pull that off. 

View Article  Alleged Duke Rapist Found Guilty in Gay Bashing

Here's a perfect example of why heterosexuals should be outraged about gay bashing.

Colin Finnerty, that upstanding young lacrosse player from Duke facing rape and kidnapping charges, was found guilty in an attack on two men in Washington D.C.

Finnerty and five college buddies, including Duke lacrosse captain William Gerrish, followed two men, taunting them with homophobic epithets and then punched and kicked the men. 

Here's the thing.  Finnerty and Gerrish are white, privileged thugs and if they were poor, black or brown men, they would be in jail for such behavior.  Finnerty beat up two men because he presumed they were gay.  Gerrish lied under oath about the circumstances and only recanted when confronted with his own statement to the arresting officer.  Finnerty got probation.

The Duke situation is filled with conflicting reports and he's innocent until proven guilty of course.  But he's not innocent of being a prick and its not a difficult leap to imagine a gay-bashing bigot treating women like trash.  Just the fact that these alleged pillars of society throw drunken brawls is disgusting.  It doesn't make them rapists.  It does make them elitist preppy pigs.

Back to my original point. The victims in the DC gay are not gay.  They were beaten up because Finnerty perceived them to be gay.  I don't know if they were mincing, pink shirted metrosexuals or just two average guys strolling through DC.  It doesn't really matter.  Finnerty has this tape in his head telling him that he has the right, the privilege, to beat the living hell out of someone b/c they seem gay.  And, apparently in US society, he's right.

View Article  Round Up - Trans Positive Schools and Homophobic Reggae

There's not a lot of loal LGBTQ activity of late as we all recuperate from the marriage amendment battle.   Plus your faithful correspondent has been struggling with allergies and is tired .... so here's a quick round up of some national stories of interest ...

Broward County, Florida school to admit a transgendered five year old and test their progressive policies.  This is a really piece of good news coming from the land of Jeb Bush (and Katharine Harris).

Under WTF?  AIDS group recruits two notorious homophobes to perform at benefit concert.  They would be reggae artists TOK and Beanie Man.  Why, you ask, Beanie Man sounds familiar?   Yes, he was supposed to perform at a 2004 show here in Pittsburgh at the Boardwalk.  Til yours truly made some calls to LGBTQ leaders and the Post-Gazette complaining.  In the wake of negative publicity, the show sponsors (Salem cigarettes) cancelled.   As you can imagine, homosexuals, AIDS activists and the African-American community are up in arms over this stupid decision by LIFEBeat to ignore the cadres of talented reggae artists and bring in these two pathetic clowns for an AIDS fundraiser.  Follow the link for the full story and details on how to voice your protest.


View Article  Pgh City Paper: Republican Smackdown and a Call for Column Parity

It has been awhile since we've run across some gay-themed letters to the editor in either the PG or the Trib.  Today, Amesh Adalja of Butler comes to our rescue with a little missive in the City Paper.  Adalja bemoans the hijacking of the Republican Party by the "cancerous growth" of the religious right.

The Republicans, increasingly suffused with the gospel of the Religious Right, have completely shattered any semblance of respect for individual rights to which they may stake claim.

Shout out to the non-hating Republicans in Butler County! Kudos for acknowledging that not all Republicans are, well, Rethuglicans.  Take back your party damnit!  Take back your churches, too! 

While we are on the topic of the City Paper, I must sadly note the demise of the "Rant" feature.  Editor Chris Potter discussed this decision on a recent appearance on the John McIntire show on KDKA (see McIntire blog www.macyapper.com).  Apparently, they got sick of rants about Pittsburgh drivers and the like. 

The CP archives indicate that there have been 287 rants.  Number 284 featured my personal anti-PennDOT ramblings.  And while we are on the topic, I must tell you that I am completely disillusioned with the political/citizens activist thing.  NO ONE was willing or able to stand up to PennDOT and the fact that I kept being pushy and obnoxious about wanting them to maintain their property made me person non gratis.  It was only when the All-Star game drew near that Mayor O'Connor's office helped.  But at least they helped not only get it cut, but a commitment to keep it cut. 

Back to the Rant.  I enjoyed it, but it certainly did seem a bit repetitive at times.  Now it would be GREAT if the City Paper would fill that space with the voice of a columnist who is not a white, heterosexual, middle-class man.  God Bless Marty, John and Chris and their progressive, nay liberal ideals.  But Pittsburgh's alternative culture is filled with a multitude of people of color, females, gays, working class, disabled, etc.  We have ideas, too!  Good ones.  Ideas with multisyllabic words.  Ideas festooned with purpose, meaning and a liberal dash of snarkery. 

For crying out loud ... you can't shake a stick in Pittsburgh without knocking over a white, middle-class, heterosexual writer/columnist or writer/columnist wanna be.  You want a fresh rant  -- give voice to the rest of us. 

View Article  More on New York Marriage Ruling

Howard Dean weighs in on the NY Court of Appeals decision:

"As Democrats, we believe that every American has a right to equal protection under the law and to live in dignity. And we must respect the right of every family to live in dignity with equal rights, responsibilities and protections under the law. Today's decision by the New York Court of Appeals, which relies on outdated and bigoted notions about families, is deeply disappointing, but it does not end the effort to achieve this goal.

"As that essential process moves forward, it is up to the State legislature to act to protect the equal rights of every New Yorker and for the debate on how to ensure those rights to proceed without the rancor and divisiveness that too often surrounds this issue."

Pam asks "What is the goal?"   More specifically, will the Democrats EVER demonstrate real leadership in LGBT civil rights, including marriage?

View Article  NY's Highest Court Says No to Marriage Equality

The New York Court of Appeals ruled 4-2 that the state constitution does not guarantee the right to marry, but that the extension of marriage to include same sex couples must be undertaken by the Legislature. (PageOneQ)

The HRC response ...

"The court?s archaic reasoning is rooted in ignorance and completely contradicted by the facts of today," said Human Rights Campaign President Joe Solmonese.

I'm sitting in a cramped waiting room in Oakland so I'll have to save my commentary for later ....

View Article  Dan Savage - Bob Casey is the pragmatic, progressive, pro-choice bankshot

Bob Casey's campaign cashed the check.  You know, the contribution directed by advice columnist extraordinaire Dan Savage from the proceeds of his latest little amusing adventure  - Impeach The MotherF***er Already (ITMFA).  I presume you don't need a lot of explanation about that one ...

Revenue from the ITMFA merchandise is being donated to a range of progressive causes.  Bob was one of the first beneficiaries in recognition of his effort to unseat frequent Savage tauntee Ricky Sanctimonious.

Savage - who is one of the most awesome people ever for his never ceasing sex-positive writing and his uber-homo lovin' outness - has this perspective on Casey's anti-choice stance:

It's true: Bob Casey is opposed to abortion. But electing Casey we would take out Rick ?Frothy Mix? Santorum, a much more rabidly anti-choice senator. Frothy Mix doesn?t think you should be able to choose masturbation, for crying out loud. Moreover, electing Casey could help Dems take back the Senate, which will go a long way toward protecting choice, abortion rights, and other sexual freedoms, despite Casey?s stance on choice. So casting a vote for Casey, or sending a contribution to Casey, is a pragmatic, progressive, pro-choice bankshot. Electing or two pro-life Dems is the price we?re going to have to pay to put reliably pro-choice Dems in positions of power all over the Senate.

To "balance out the karma" of supporting Casey, Dan made a huge donation to Planned Parenthood from the next chunk of ITMFA profits.  Now see that's something productive to do in lieu of simply wringing your hands about the fate of Chuck Pennachio.  Suck it up, get Casey elected and go put some extra time and energy working for Planned Parenthood, NARAL, etc.  Then everybody wins ...

Savage's column runs weekly here in The City Paper.  You can also catch it online. 

PS:  Yes, I do recognize that the same advice applies to my previous whining about Casey's lack of LGBT outreach.  Suck it up, get him elected and go put some time and energy into working for a progressive LGBT political group ... or blog!   :-)

View Article  Another Round Up - Anti-Choice News Around the Country

Here's some lovely and not so lovely news from those who would drag us back into the good old days ...courtesy of Feministing.

Grooms for Life matches anti-choice bachelors willing to marry and become a father to the feti of unwed pregnant women.  Marry the women I mean.  Ick Ick Ick. 

Will the state soon gain custody of abandoned embryos?  Mother Jones had this story. 

Should the term Pro-Choice be retired?  Feministe has this take ... 

And finally in the most f*cked up situation of the week, the loonies at Operation Rescue have purchased the building housing a Wichita health center which performed abortions.  Guess who got evicted?   Makes me glad we have a pathetic twerp running the local rescue group.  They can't even keep their blog updated ....

View Article  Quick Round Up of LGBTQ Stories of Interest

The New York State Court of Appeals is exptected to hand down its decision on gay marriage this week.

Albuquerque police raided a men's bathhouse ... wearing bullet proof vests and carrying semi-automatic weapons.  Why?  Because the club was selling alcohol without a license. 

The FBI is joining the investigation of a cross burning on the front lawn of the home of a Tennessee gay man.   They want to determine if its a hate crime.  Apparently, in Tennessee crosses just plant themselves in people's yard and spontaneously combust.  Pesky flaming crosses.

Anti-gay activists believes playground squabble involving his 7 year old son was a hate crime.

And Northern Ireland is now permitting same sex couples to jointly adopt children. 

View Article  2 Political Junkies ID the Real Threat to America ---

Just in time for the 4th of July those intrepid junkies have identified the REAL threat to Freedom, Apple Pie and Unlimited Cable Channels ...

Somewhere at the border there's a flag-burning Mexican homo trying to cross over to gay-marry an abortion doc!


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