Pittsburgh's LGBTQ Blog ... out'n proud in the Burghosphere.

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View Article  Breaking: Onorato allegedly creates domestic partner benefits commisssion

Tonight, Allegheny County Chief Executive Dan Onorato addressed the Liberty City Democratic Club in Philadelphia (their chapter of Stonewall Democrats).  A member asked him about the lack of domestic partner benefits in Allegheny County.  This is what he reportedly said:

He said that he's convened a commission and that he told the head of that commission to "get it done" and thy he will sign an exec order, renegotiate labor contracts or whatever  it takes to cover all allegheny county residents.

I will try to confirm with his campaign ASAP.  More importantly, I'll try to confirm with his administration.  I've been trying to get HR Director Kathy Kennedy to respond to me for two solid months to no avail so maybe now that they have GOOD news to report, they'll be more forthcoming. 

One point I just have to make. If this quote is accurate, it proves that all along he could have done this and that claims to the contrary were disengenuous. I'm really looking forward to all of those apologies.  LOL. 

Seriously, this would be good news for Allegheny County and pave the way to a better culture in the County workforce.  I'd be very happy. 

View Article  The PG on Anonymous Comments

The headline is a bit misleading, but the Post-Gazette's Mackenzie Carpenter has a good piece on recent legal action involving anonymous comments.  I thought it worth examining.

We are a tiny blip in the Burghosphere.  Not much commenting, but most of it is anonymous.  Our comment feature can be tricky to use so I suspect it is most often just easier than intentional.  I monitor and remove comments that cross the lines of libel (I believe), but it is important that you realize there is no real anonymity in the blogosphere. 

Bloggers have been dropping like flies in Pittsburgh, most citing the consumption of time as too much a burden.  Part of that time is monitoring the comments. 

I've been "fortunate" that the person most often defamed in the comments PghLesbian.com has been me.  ;-) A few folks are the subject of criticism that I'm sure they don't appreciate, but my personal belief is that it is no worse than the gossip which pervades most social gatherings.  Criticism is not defamation. 

I've had to take some folks to task for their overzealous, out of line comments, but I've only had one incident when someone made me personally start to feel uncomfortable with their shall we say "intensity" on a topic.  That was resolved with a few email messages. 

Pittsblog 2.0 offers up an interesting analysis of the situation.

Of course, if you're a blogger or message board operator or host of a site that permits comments and contributions, there are a lot of things that you can do to minimize the risk that any of this will rise up to bite you. You can try to enforce a "no anonymous commenting" policy, which is highly imperfect but which sends a message to most people that certain standards of civility apply. You can permit anonymity but screen comments for bad behavior, either before they are posted or after they are posted, or both. (As I noted above, this brings certain risks in terms of liability, but it may also decrease the likelihood that a dispute will come up, or that a dispute will escalate.) You can ensure that your own contributions set a tone that doesn't cross the line in the first place, so that you don't invite tit-for-tat responses. You can do these things in a variety of combinations.

I've tried requiring people to register, but that is cumbersome with my software. I also feel that one goal of this blog is to allow folks who are not out an opportunity to be part of the dialogue. Anonymity is sort of an inherent part of the gay experience, especially in Pittsburgh. Of course, you can register using a fake handle so that's always an option. 

The "setting a tone" perspective is interesting. I've found it intriguing that gay institutions tend to draw the sharpest criticism and the most passionate defenders.  I've also found that people in real life generally assume I "hate" or "don't get along" with the persons connected with those institutions. I usually respond in jest that we are "frenemies"  (cue reference to Gossip Girls or 90210). People tend to equate blogger scrutiny with personal feelings and that's not true.  But that gets us back to the gossip piece. 

The PG piece quotes an actual anonymous blogger, The Angry Drunk Bureaucrat

It is a good piece to read, along with the Pittsblog 2.0 post, especially if you are an anonymous commenter. 

View Article  Of Questionnaires and other issues ...

Steel City Stonewall Democrats are posting their candidate questionnaires.  Be sure to check them out to see what your potential elected officials have to say about LGBT issues. I think most of the questionnaires should be up by the end of the day. The national Stonewall folks which host chapter sites are experiencing some technical difficulties. 

Bilerico has a powerful post about the "birth" of the new civil rights paradigm with the emergence of LGBTQ activism second wave. (Links are active).

Civil disobedience has not been much of a tool of our movement lately. We're really concerned with maintaining our reputations, with not being confrontational. With being neat and clean and planned, planned, planned.

This action was messy and shocking and didn't get approval from "the powers that be," but I think we're looking at a new era in our movement. A paradigm shift.

As our movement matures, our emerging leaders will make an impact - not by their ability to make people like them, but by making people respect them - by demanding equality and taking risks.

Careful hasn't been successful, and we've all seen that.

I doubt Pittsburgh will see this sort of activism anytime soon until the "neat and clean" gays are willing to meet the activists on their own turf.  We are a very planned, careful community. I see a need for the folks who are careful to parse the "activism" out of advocacy to be a little less concerned about accessing power and more willing to take these kind of risks.  I also see the need for bridges and for the activists to engage a little, too. You can't realistically create change if you aren't willing to sit down at the table once in awhile.  That sort of myopic idealism creates tremendous power vaccums that are being filled by the same old, same old. 

Lt. Dan Choi has crossed from being a symbol of the gay-powers-that be to an activist hero. He has already put his life on the line for every American, now he's put everything else on the line for every queer American. 




How long, Pittsburgh, do we continue to plod along the careful route that has brought us what?  Baby steps that make it a more palatable region for upper middle class white gays to get a meeting with political leaders?  Elected Democrats who are terrified to support our civil rights?  Gubnatorial candidates who don't believe we deserve full equality (or health insurance)?  People who want our pink dollars but stay in the closet themselves? 

I suggest we are going to continue to plod along for awhile.  That's who we are.  We may joke about it, but maybe we should embrace it. 

Or maybe we need to consider exactly why Lt. Choi is a leader.  He could have kept on the muckety muck tour circuit, testified before Congress and made the talk show rounds to keep up his upper middle class gay street cred.  Instead, he did something pretty darn dramatic for a military man which may be the final nail in his career coffin.  He led by example, not by words alone. 

Can you name anyone in Pittsburgh willing to put themselves on the line like this to secure your benefits and rights?  Anyone?


View Article  Steel City Softball ready to roll


The Steel City Softball League is gearing up for their 28th season. They are on Facebook  and Twitter @scsl

This is a time honored tradition in the region and sounds like a great way to get out, be out and enjoy yourself.  These games are one of those things we always say we are going to do. If I wasn't a total clutz and had a horrible softball experience in graduate school, I might even try to play.  But let's start out with being a fan. 

There are recruitment events today and tomorrow.  A discounted membership rate for new members.  What a perfect way to celebrate spring!  Check it out! 

There are sooo many ways to get out and meet new people in Pittsburgh's LGBTQ community.  Softball is something you can enjoy either as a participant or just a fan!  What could be better? 

View Article  Correction: Onorato "Yes" on Domestic Partner Benefits

I was contacted by a board member with the Steel City Stonewall Democrats regarding an earlier post in which I criticized Dan Onorato for failing to answer the SCSD question on domestic partner benefits.  SCSD acknowledged that they made an error uploading the file and sent me evidence that in the original question, Onorato responded as follows:

5. Do you support domestic partner benefits for government and governmental agency



The link to his complete questionnaire is here.

The Steel City website has been down over the past week so this was a strange technological fluke, albeit an incredibly ironic twist that this one particular word was deleted.  I'd go so far as to say prophetic but I do believe that it was an honest mistake. As I know the link was circulating before I put up my previous post, I do hope the organization makes an effort to clarify the mistake at least with the three campaigns most affected. 

Dan Onorato did answer the question on domestic partner benefits and answered the survey completely. 

Still, "yes" seems a bit inadequate.  How can he just sidestep the fact that he doesn't actually offer domestic partner benefits to his own government employees?  Did he hope no one would notice? At least, he didn't write "it is complicated."

At this point, he's screwed from a political perspective because he can't offer them at this late date and look sincere.  He could, however, offer them at this late date and do the right thing regardless of how it looks politically.  That option is always on the table.  Leadership. Conviction. Equality. 

Joe Hoeffel's questionnaire is here.

Question 5

Do you support domestic partner benefits for government and governmental agency employees?


Yes, I support full domestic partner benefits for government and governmental agency employees. Montgomery County has had domestic partner benefits since 2001, and as governor I will push for Pennsylvania to provide them.

That's an interesting last point Joe makes. In May 2009, I wrote about Pennsylvania extending domestic partner benefits to Commonwealth employees. In other worlds, they are available.  However, I've been told by union organizers that not all state unions have opted to access this benefit so clearly this is work to be done by Rendell and the next Governor to ensure same sex families have access to benefits - especially health insurance. 

Not only does Joe have a record of the benefits being available in his County (before he came to office even), but he's offered them to his campaign staff, too.  He's also making a very strong statement of commitment to "push" for benefits, not giving us a one word answer.

I know that I've been hitting this issue hard for weeks now, but here is an opportunity to simply compare the candidates words ... and actions. 

I regret being the bearer of inaccurate information.  I can say I acted in good faith and did look up the revised information as soon as I had access to my computer. While the organization is apologizing to the campaigns, I apologize to my readers for misleading you. 

View Article  Big Day/Week of Pink Advocacy: Pgh Part of History

Pennsylvania has been part of history this week with a groundswell of action to successfully squelch the Marriage Protection Amendment (plus, our own Pgh Blog for Equality).  Yeah, us!

Today, eyes turned first to the Internet, then DC, then more to DC and now as I type ... across the nation.

The day started with another blogswarm, this one dedicated to urging movement on the ENDA.  The goal was to generate pressure on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to make things happen.  Dozens of bloggers posted and the phone calls overwhelmed the phone system.  From Bilerico:

Reports from Pelosi's office indicate that hundreds of calls were received before the phone lines shut down. While the intent of the blogswarm was to indicate support for moving ENDA, rather than shutting down the phone lines, the obvious point is that there is a great deal of support among the LGBTQ community and its allies for moving ENDA. Let no one say that we do not lobby hard.

Then things get interesting.

Lt. Dan Choi and other members of GetEqual, a new direct action LGBTQ group chained themselves to the White House gate to demand action on repealing Don't Ask, Don't Tell.


From Pam's House Blend:

Choi was speaking at the HRC rally at Freedom Plaza when he asked the group's executive director, Joe Solmonese, if he would march to the White House. Both Choi and Pietrangelo were discharged from the military under DADT. Choi is the founder of Knights Out, a West Point alumni organization supporting LGBT soldiers.

"You've been told that the White House has a plan," Choi told rally protesters. "But we learned this week that the president is still not fully committed. ... Following this rally, I will be leading [the protest] to the White House to say 'enough talk.' ... I am still standing, I am still fighting, I am still speaking out, and I am still gay."

Lt. Choi and two others were arrested and are still being detailed as I type this.

There's more. 

Unrelated to the blogswarm, online activists of the organization GetEqual, a new direct action organization dedicated to LGBTQ equality, conducted coordinated nonviolent sit-ins at Speaker Pelosi's DC and SF offices.

Reports from Twitter indicate that 5 persons have been arrested from this action.

For the latest updates, follow @GetEqual on Twitter.

Still, there's more.

Activisits in San Francisco organized coordinated protest sit-ins in Pelosi's district offices.  There are rumbling of nationwide late night gathering to protest the detainment of the protestors. 

LGBT leaders are discussing the ramification of direct action versus advocacy led by the mainstream organizations.  That discussion is important, but Pittsburgh and statewide advocates can learn some lessons from the powerful image of Lt. Choi chaining himself to the White House gates.  We have relinquished a lot of power to behind the scenes political donors and there is absolutely no infrastructure to support direct action tactics.  The self-appointed advocates are not talking with the activists from the Dyke March and Bash Back.  To be fair, that's a two way lack of communication. 

Let's hope the conversation continues and trickles down into viable coordinated action on a local level.  This may be wishful thinking on my part. 

View Article  ENDA Blogswarm: Protect Our Jobs

Bilerico has asked bloggers to "swarm" around ENDA, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act. House Speaker Pelosi is holding up this legislation which would provide employment protections based on sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression.

Why We Need To Demand ENDA Now

We know that Speaker Pelosi is sympathetic to our cause. Clearly, she needs encouragement, because she won't commit to giving the signal to move forward. Meanwhile, LGBT Americans continue to suffer discrimination and harassment with no recourse. Why should we accept mere lip service?

President Obama famously said that "Power concedes nothing without a fight."

The tide in the LGBT community is moving toward standing up against Democrats who are tepid on our issues and show no willingness to demonstrate leadership to protect minorities which is a hallmark of the Democratic party.  Right?  Hence my ongoing frustration with Chief Executive Dan Onorato, but let's not go there.  As Dr. Jillian Weiss, the leader on ENDA, has remarked "If the base stays home in November, Speaker Pelosi will be out of job."  We are a force to reckoned with and to accomplish that we need you to take action on ENDA with as much enthuasiam as you showed on the Marriage Amendment this week.

Won't it be nice to be pushing FOR rights instead of AGAINST losing them? 

It is legal for you to be fired if you are gay unless you live in a municipality that protects you.  It took until 2009 for Allegheny County to make that move. If you work in Cranberry, you are screwed.  People across this nation lack this basic protection that should be a national standard.  How many of you have to "be discrete" at work about your partner?  It is exhausting and it erodes your ability to form natural bonds with your team if you have to censor yourself all the time.  It is also demoralizing that people can be fired for the perception that they are gay. 

I once had a coworker get away with bashing me for being gay.  She complained about my "bringing that" into the workplace when I made an innocent comment referencing my partner.  I was pooh-poohed by management which I have never forgotten.  A few years later, a senior manager sent around an email with a vulgar, demeaning reference to lesbians.  I filed a complaint and was not pooh-poohed, but I know damn well that filing complaints impacts your employment in subtle ways.  I was fortunate enough to have the Ciy's non-discrimination ordinance to back up my complaint.  My job was not in jeopardy, but my ability to move up was probably dampened. Standing up to discrimination at work is very difficult and draining. 

We need our leaders to champion safe workplaces for LGBTQ persons.  Enough with the capitulation and the hesitancy.  This is about doing what's right for people who are suffering at the hands of bigots.

Please call Speaker Nancy Pelosi at 202-225-4965. Ask that the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, HR 3017, move to a vote.

Please be polite, but firm.

After you call, please tell us how the call went by clicking here. If you get a busy signal or hang up, let us know that too.

If you want more information on Speaker Pelosi's position on ENDA as stated by her office, you can find it here

Let's work together to let Speaker Pelosi know that we want action now!

At the end of the day, we will post a round-up of how the day went. Stay tuned.

View Article  Pennsylvania not interested in protecting gay kids in foster care?

Jesus, Mary and Joseph ... this is exactly why we need a strong gay ally at the helm of the Commonwealth.

Representative Phyllis Mundy of Luzerne County says she has introduced her ?Children in Foster Care Act? legislation during every session since 2005. But this time, she?s made some adjustments that may make the bill more popular, by omitting a section that would have protected children against discrimination based on sexual orientation. Because many children are in foster care because of their sexual orientation, she says the clause would be relevant in the bill of rights. However, since she?s had trouble passing it with that inclusion, she says she?d ?rather pass an imperfect bill than no bill at all.?

They can't pass a bill that protects children from being abused in foster care based on their sexual orientation?  I know we are battling mightily to add sexual orientation to non-discrimination laws, hate crimes laws, etc.  But this is pretty despicable.

I'd be lying if I said I'm incredulous.  Three years in foster care taught me quite a bit, mostly about the wonderful kind people who step forward to parent children in foster care.  The best foster parents I knew were able to separate their personal opinions from the requirements to provide care consistent with the regulations.  Christian parents kept Jewish and Muslim children connected to their cultures. This was true across boundaries of race, religion, ethnicity, socio-economic status, etc. 

That doesn't mean there aren't unscrupulous people who don't fulfill their duty and moral obligation to these children.  This issue hasn't been on the radar that I've seen. I'm going to get more information.  Clearly, LGBT adults need to do some educating of our legislators on this issue. 

This is just a post to raise awareness that this is an issue.  The campaigns are sexy, but we can't lost site of issues.  I don't know if we can make an impact now or later on this issue, but I hope we can at least make sure we keep it on our radar.

View Article  Liberty City Democratic Club posts candidate questionnaires

The candidates questionnaires are up at the Liberty City Democratic Club site.  I like how they handle this - all of the candidates in each race are listed so you can see clearly which candidates took the time to respond and which did not. 

Now granted they misspelled his name, but how can Arlen Specter ignore the gay democratic club in SE Pennsylvania?  How can Anthony Williams ignore them when he is gunning for some of Hoeffel's supporters?  How can all three Lt. Governor candidates ignore them?

Now I've attached the three gubernatorial questionnaires to this post so they are preserved for posterity.  Something odd I noticed --- the Wagner campaign submitted the Steel City aka Pittsburgh questionnaire to the Liberty City aka Philadelphia group. They aren't the same. 

I strongly urge you to either visit the site or download the attached .pdf files and review the candidate information.  The Philadelphia specific information may give you some insight into how the candidates may govern on a statewide level.

I think if you review the significant LGBT indicators you'll agree with me that Joe Hoeffel is clearly the strongest leader and the only progressive candidate.  Jack Wagner has a decent track record -- he has introduced legislation and voted on LGBT issues.  His anti-choice stance makes him the second best candidate.  Onorato, well just read for yourselves.  He can safely be in third place with no LGBT voting record and waffling on the choice issue. 

There's a clear choice for the LGBT community and you can see that from the candidate's own words as well as their track records. 

3 Attachments
View Article  Yesterday was a great day to be gay (and so is today ...)

What a big day Tuesday was ....

The defeat of the PA Marriage Amendment was a huge deal. No drawn out drama. No legislative time wasted.  The bill went back on the table.  Huge victory.

I'm finally making some headway in my attempts to find out exactly how domestic partner benefits can be extended to County employees.  It has taken more than two months to get this information (why the big secrets, even setting side the snowstorm delay?). I should clarify that County Council has provided me with information, but the County Administration continues to avoid answering my questions.  

I hope to continue making progress on this issue.  If the process is the barrier to Mr. Onorato being able to provide these benefits, let's make sure we understand the process and put pressure in the right places.  I've spoken with too many County employees who aren't comfortable being out in their workplace because of the culture of homophobia.  It is our responsibility to help Mr. Onorato understand why even one employee so oppressed deserves his leadership.  They are his team and they deserve to be treated with the same respect as their heterosexual colleagues.

I'll save my conclusions until I've gathered more data.  Home Rule Charter - big reading fun. 

My understanding is that even though the Governor has extended dp benefits to State employees, not all state unions have embraced them.  So there is work to be done on that level, too, which is why we need to elect a Governor who will be proactive on this issue.  We certainly can't afford to let equal rights opportunities slip away!   Health care is a front and center issue so we need good information on all the players -- Executive, Legislative, Labor, Non-Unionized Workforce, etc -- to ensure our families have access to health insurance. 

Last night was also the Steel City Stonewall meeting.  THREE candidates for the Board are putting their names forward which is very exciting.  Questionnaires have been returned and should be up on the Steel City website tonight.  Some questionnaires are still MIA, but you'll be able to see for yourself.  Do you think members should know which candidates turned in a questionnaire by the deadline and which turned it in days, even a week, late?  Does that have any meaning?

The endorsement meeting is March 28 from 2-5 PM.  If you are interested, follow Steel City on Twitter @StonewallPgh for up to the moment information. 

Steel City also needs your membership. You can pay at the door and vote that day.  This is a critical time to take a political stance.  You have everything you need .... you can research the candidates in advance so you know what you are voting about, you can ask questions (guess what I'm going to ask of whom?), you can make an impact with one vote (trust me on that one). 

If you stay home, you allow power to decide the future of your family to rest in the hands of folks who maybe don't quite understand your family experience?  That's never good. 

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