I'm getting tired of learning how the privileged and elite and laptop fortified employees of Downtown are preparing for a few days without their Starbucks fix.

City council offices to close during G-20
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

City Council will adjust its calendar for the G-20 summit, President Doug Shields announced in a press release today.

During the week of the G-20, City Council will move both its Tuesday legislative meeting and its Wednesday standing committee meeting forward by one day, and City Council offices will be closed Sept. 23, 24 and 25 in anticipation of transportation difficulties.

"The magnitude and nature of the G-20 event and its security requirements will make it very difficult to maneuver the streets and public buildings of Downtown Pittsburgh," said Mr. Shields in the press release.

Read more: http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/09230/991665-100.stm#ixzz0OaCC8VDS

What about the rest of City employees?  The ones making $24,000/year who need to conserve their PTO for their kids sicks days?  What about the non-unionized service employees?  What about the people who live Downtown (and not just in the penthouses)?

Yes, yes, I know.  The City has little information.  I saw a press conference snippet of Joanna Doven practically shaking her finger admonishing people to reschedule their medical appointments.  She fails to explain how the small business optometrist is going to weather the enforced closure of his practice for a few days.  Who pays the "inconvenienced" staff salaries? 
