From the Post-Gazette:

The state Senate this afternoon voted, 41-9, in favor of a bill that bans smoking in many public places.

The House already had passed the bill, so now it goes to Gov. Ed Rendell for his signature.

What a great day.  Now if we can only convince people who are addicted to smoking how unpleasant it can be to sit next to them for an hour in a somewhat warm conference room, clapping politely while other people win awards.  Now that would be something. 

Promises have been made that Allegheny County will be included in legislation to allow for tighter local controls.  One can only hope.

I wonder if there's been any study on whether this sort of ban actually drove business to smaller venues, business which increased their overall food sales leading to a bump into the bracket of those who must comply with the law?  Wouldn't that be ironic? 

Anyway, the lesbians are doing the happy dance.  Good job, state legislature.  Good job.