Well, it was in the Post Gazette today, the so-called marriage protection amendment passed the state house and jubilant right-wing bigots all over the state are rejoicing. How very Christian.

This amendment was brought up and passed because gay/bi/transgendered folk are the last acceptable minority punching bags. We're the only group left that the right-wing haters (the same group of people that brought us the KKK way back when) can hate and discriminate against with impunity now that discriminating against blacks and jews is frowned upon.

Yes, we have to keep the world safe for the 24/48 hour marriage rights of people like Brittany Spears and Kevin Federline. The thing is, the heterosexuals are fouling their own nests without any help from the gay people of the world. We're not forcing them to get married and then divorced. Most of the gay people I know have been with their partners for at least 20 years or more. That's longer than most hetero marriages survive. And Rick Santorum and all the other so-called Christian people have yet to explain to anyone how gay people getting married will ruin their marriages. Makes you wonder about the strenth of their marriages doesn't it?

And speaking of hypocrisy to the most foul degree, one of the so-called Democrats that voted for the amendment was Ken Ruffing of West Mifflin (my partner's old stomping ground). Isn't this the same Ken Ruffing who was featured in an investigative segment a few weeks ago on KDKA? The person who Marty Griffin reported had had sixteen calls to his home for domestic troubles within the last year? And, beleive it or not, it's just too rich, while Mr. Griffin was there reporting, Ms. Ruffing had called the police on Mr. Ruffing! And he's a poster child for marriage? He has the nerve to deny me the right to marry? Hey, my partner and I have lived together almost two years and the police haven't been here yet. I guess to be worthy of marraige and family values we have alot of catching up to do.