Review of Giant Eagle’s Curbside Express grocery delivery service

Review of Giant Eagle Curbside Express

Nearly a year ago, I wote a review about the Giant Eagle Curbside Express service, their home delivery shopping project. Fast forward to late July and I’ve used the service 26 times. That’s a little more than every other week. Here’s how I originally assessed the service What Works Well The Notes section The clickable […]

Toilet Paper, Sanitizer, and Social Anxiety in a Pandemic

Toilet Paper, Grocery Shopping

Here’s what I don’t understand – why are items that are available in restricted quantities NOT available to buy online or via a curbside shopping service? Is it logistics? Too few employees to take half a delivery of TP, alcohol, and wipes and set it aside to fill deliveries/shipments and put half on the shelves? […]

Day Seven of COVID-19 Quarantine: Critter Version

I”m using Monday, March 16 as our personal starting point because that is the day Laura was officially told to work from home as much as possible. I’ll be honest with you, most of my anecdotes and tales involve cats. If that’s not your jam, scroll away to another blog. Our basic goals are to […]

Tips for Using Giant Eagle’s Grocery Delivery Service During COVID-19 Pandemic

Review of Giant Eagle Curbside Express

We routinely use the Curbside Express grocery delivery service. I see from my blog analytics that previous posts on this topic are spiking in popularity so I thought it was a good time to create an update tailored to people who might be trying the service for the first time. Note that your first delivery […]

That Time We Merged Our Separate Giant Eagle Advantage Cards

Giant Eagle Advantage Card Shared Account

I remember early in our relationship days, Ledcat and I went grocery shopping together at the Waterfront Giant Eagle near my home. This was probably 8-10 months in to our relationship (now going on 162 months, thank you.) It wasn’t a joint shop for a shared event, it was two independent shops using one cart. […]

I Tried Giant Eagle’s Grocery Home Delivery Service and Here’s How It Went

Giant Eagle Curbside Express Delivery

We had the week two weeks from hell dealing with #CeilingCollapse2018 and the ensuing fallout (pun – ha!) so I decided it was a time to let someone else do the necessary grocery shopping. Fitting in a trip to the store for much-needed supplies was difficult with all that was going on for both of […]

Here’s How a Plastic Bag Ban Can Work with Grocery Stores like Giant Eagle

tote bags food bank

Pittsburgh is one step closer to a ban on single use plastic bags. The bill will be up for a final vote at the Tuesday, April 12 meeting, and if passed will go into effect on April 12, 2023. Essentially, you will have to pay $.10 per paper bag or bring your own bag/box/etc. One […]