How Do We Cope When Two Black Trans And GNC Young Adults Are Shot to Death in Ohio?

The Crime Gun violence in Toledo claimed the lives of a Black trans woman and a gender nonconforming gay Black man, both age 21. They were best friends, killed by gunfire in the same incident. Two adults were taken to the hospital in critical condition after a shooting around 5:30 p.m. Tuesday. A press release […]

Ohio Trans Woman Brutally Attacked By Three Men

Candice Milligan

  Earlier in the week, Candice Rose Milligan, a 33-year-old trans activist in Toledo Ohio, was assaulted by three men around 3 PM. Yes, 3 in the afternoon. From According to a police report, Milligan was walking home Monday afternoon when she was approached by three men shouting homophobic slurs. Witnesses say Milligan was […]