Update on the Murder of Taja Gabrielle de Jesus, 4th Trans Woman of Color Killed in 2015

Taja de Jesus

My previous post about the death of Taja Gabrille de Jesus is not properly displaying her name. So I wanted to take a few moments to update you on what I’ve learned.   Taja was a Latina trans woman who lived in San Francisco, originally from San Jose. She worked with a trans organization called […]

Trans Woman of Color Taja Gabrielle de Jesus Murdered in San Francisco

Just learned about the murder of another trans sister of color. Taja Gabrielle de Jesus was discovered stabbed to death on a stairwell in San Francisco’s Bayview District on Sunday, February 1. Taja was 36 years old. She is the 4th known trans woman of color and the 1st Latina trans woman to die a […]