My First Letter to the Editor, Published by Vanity Fair in 1995

I used to read Vanity Fair pretty regularly in the 1990’s. I’m unsure how that got started, but I liked the pageantry and almost otherworldly insight into the world of the rich and powerful. So much did I appreciate the magazine that I was compelled to submit a letter to the editor, my very first […]

“Sodom and Gomorrah in Your Face” and Other Stupid Things Haters Say

Letter To The Editor Pittsburgh

We love letters to the editor and Pittsburgh has been unusually prolific of late.   Over at the Post-Gazette website you’ll find this dialogue unfolding, replete with LOTS of comments. Daniel J. Robinson of West Deer goes to bat for the Bible trumping the Constitution. He also seems to have missed a year or so of […]

Trib Letter to the Editor Reminds Us What We Face

It is difficult for me to muster up a logical response to this type of blind ignorance. But we must find a way to counter the messages of hate (yes, hate) and bad information. There is no such thing as gay sex. Sex between consenting adults is not a sin. But Albert Hancock of New […]

Trib Letter to the Editor on Marriage Equality: “religion does not always know best”

The letter to the editor dialogue around LGBTQ rights continues to unfold in the Tribune Review. I love what Sterling Sorrow of Harrison has to say.  What sense does it make, then, to believe that gay marriage is illegal on the grounds of religion? The last time I checked, the Constitution, not the Bible, is […]

Letter to The Editor: Post-Gazette – Marriage Equality

You know, its been awhile since I posted a letter to the editor – that’s partially due to the major fail on the part of the search engines for the Trib and the Post-Gazette.  Brandon Mitchell of Greenfield shares his optimism in response to President Obama’s affirmation of marriage equality. I cannot express the feelings […]

Equal Rights in Pennsylvania

Last week, I shared a graphic from The Guardiandepicting the fact that Pennsylvania as a Commonwealth has extended zero benefits to its LGBTQ residents (and tax payers.) I’ve been challenged – on the fact that a State Surpreme Court determined that as PA permits single persons to adopt, they cannot use sexual orientation of the […]