30 Most Widely Read Blog Posts from 2021

Here is a list of the most widely read blog posts during 2021 84% of these posts are about the fatal campaign of terror targeting the trans community. One post is from the #AMPLIFY archive, the narrative of a local bisexual woman One post is actually the homepage for our ongoing Cat Food Drive projects. […]

Autoimmune Dysmotility and Me: Part Five Subtitled “Allegheny Health Network is Not Doing So Great”

Autoimmune Dysmotility and Me: Part Five Subtitled “Allegheny Health Network is Not Doing So Great”

Tomorrow morning, I’m heading in for my second endoscopy in about eight months. This one is supposed to attach a ph monitoring device called a Bravo to my esophagus. My procedure is scheduled with Dr. Blair Jobe at the Allegheny Health Network Esophageal Institute in West Penn Hospital. The Esophageal Institute is supposedly among the […]

Losing weight is not the eternal magic fat girl solution

When you’ve undergone test after test to figure out why you are sick, there is a moment – a moment when a test turns up information. Not quite a diagnosis, not quite a precise answer. But still, it is something to cling to in a landscape colored by bias, insurance industries, and sexism, of people […]

Autoimmune Dysmotility and Me

Last year, I found a doctor who finally believed me. She believed I was always low grade nauseated, I was typically not hungry, etc. I was miserable. She sent me for bloodwork and scheduled other tests. The bloodwork contained a marker suggesting I might have a GI autoimmune disorder. Then, pandemic. She thought I might […]

Two Year Anniversary of My Hysterectomy

lesbian hysterectomy

It’s been two years since I had a hysterectomy and I still occasionally find a tampon or pad stuffed away in an old purse or the pocket of a rarely worn coat. I have donated most of my unused items, but the occasional surfacing of one that I overlooked always makes me pause. I spent […]

Not Enough Lesbian Content (h/t Hannah Gadsby)

Not Lesbian enough

One of our spokespeople last year… Self-appointed. One of our spokespeople approached me straight after one of my shows to give me a bit of feedback, and that’s my favorite time for feedback. Straight after a show? Yes, please! That is when my skin is at its thickest. The feedback? Apparently, she said, “I was […]

One Year After My Hysterectomy

lesbian hysterectomy

When I think back to my surgery, a few random thoughts leap to mind. I remember thirst. My surgeon had allowed me to have Gatorade right up to the moment I went into the pre-surgery room. But there was a delay for the patient ahead of me (they ended up okay so no worries) that […]

Why I’m going to keep talking about menstruation, menopause, and more

lesbian hysterectomy

In a twist of irony that is just basically unfair, I find myself facing yet another round of the dreaded abdominal and transvaginal ultrasounds. Last January, I had a complete hysterectomy – complete means they removed my uterus and my cervix, leaving the ovaries. I was just 47 at the time of surgery so not […]

My Latest #Hysterecovery Update

lesbian hysterectomy

I haven’t posted an update on this recently, so let me remedy that today. I had my surgery on January 10 so I recently passed the four month mark. In terms of the actual hysterectomy, I’m doing pretty good. No significant physical problems with the exception of having to pee a lot more often and […]

My Hysterectomy, Ledcat’s Paid Sick Days, and Pittsburgh International Women’s Strike 2018

This is a story of how Paid Sick Days saved my life. I’m sharing this because of an upcoming important event in Pittsburgh. Women from across the Pittsburgh region will gather on March 7 and 8 to underscore the need for paid sick days and call on people to pledge support for the local Paid Sick Days […]